Sada-e-Watan Sydney ™

To observe the Kashmir Black Day, a seminar was held in Sydney

Pak High Commissioner Babar Amin and CG Mr. Ashraf

Australian Parliamentarians and Diplomates highlighted human rights situation in Indian Occupied Kashmir
(Coverage by; Syed Zafar Hussain, Editor-in-Chief Sada-e-Watan Sydney)

To observe the Kashmir Black Day, a seminar was held at Himalaya Function Centre, Granville Sydney Australia on 27th October 2020. The event, chaired by the High Commissioner of Pakistan, H.E.Mr. Babar Amin, was attended by a member of parliament of New South Wales representing different political parties, members of Australian Parliament and Senators, besides a

MC; Miss Maha Tariq

large number of Australians especially the members of Australia-Pakistani, Australian-Arab and Australian-Turkish communities. Miss Maha Tariq was MC of the event.

27th October is observed by the Kashmiris every year as a Black Day to commemorate the illegal accession of Indian Occupied Kashmir with India by Maharaja Hari Singh on 27th October 1947.

Dr. Ali Sarfraz

The speakers at the seminar highlighted the illegality of the Indian occupation of Kashmir and the catastrophic human rights situation in Indian Occupied Kashmir. Dr. Ali Sarfraz, President Kashmir Council Australia, briefed the audience on the deteriorating situation of human rights in Kashmir at the hands of Indian occupation forces.

CG of Pakistan Muhammad Ashraf

Mr. Muhammad Ashraf, Consul General of Pakistan in Sydney, briefed the audience on the historical background of the Kashmir issue and highlighted the plight of Kashmiri people under curfews, lockdown and communication blockade. He said that the people of Kashmir appealed to the conscience of the civilized world and called upon the international community to play its role in ensuring their right to self-determination and safeguarding them from the grave human rights abuses.

The Hon. Shaoquett Moselmane,MP

The Hon. Shaoquett Moselmane, Member of NSW Parliament from Labor Party, said that the right to self-determination was an inalienable right of Kashmiris as enshrined in the UN charter.

Hon. Philip Ruddock

Former Attorney General Hon. Philip Ruddock, the current Mayor of Hornsby and former Australian Minister of Immigration from the Liberal Party, stated that members of Kashmiri and Pakistani community should keep on sensitizing the Australians on Kashmir to increase their awareness on the issue.

Hon. Senator Lee Rhiannon

The Hon. Lee Rhiannon, the former Senator from Australian Greens Party, spoke at length against the human rights abuses in Indian occupied Kashmir by the Indian forces. She emphasized that Australian Government should take up the issue of human rights with the Indian Government as it had been raising the issue of human rights abuses in other parts of the world. Honourable

Hon. Paul Lynch, MP

The Hon. Paul Lynch, the Member of NSW Parliament and Shadow Attorney General in the Labor Shadow Cabinet, regretted the conduct of the Indian Government with the Amnesty International, after the AI published reports highlighting the human rights situation in Kashmir. The Amnesty International had to shut down its operations under duress by the Indian Government.

His Excellency Mr. Babar Amin

The His Excellency Mr. Babar Amin, Pakistan’s High Commissioner to Australia, emphasized the illegitimacy of Indian occupation of Kashmir as underlined by the Independent researchers, historians and observers. He said that the think tanks and academia across the globe including Australia had underscored the illegality of the Indian stance on Kashmir issue.

Hon. Linda Voltz, MP and H.E. Babar Amin

H.E. Babar Amin and Syed Zafar Hussain

H.E. Babar Amin and Mumtaz Mian

Raja Abdul Hameed and H.E. Babar Amin

Faraan Mirza and Ms Maha Tariq

Ali Murtaza and DCG Sheryar Khan

Mr. Sheryar Khan, H.E. Babar Amin and CG Mr. Ashraf

Syed Zafar Hussain of Sada e Watan and H.E. Babar Amin

Founder Kashmir Council Mumtaz Mian and Lee Rhiannon

Aurangzeb Baig, H.E. Babar Amin and Raja taseer

Hanif Bismi, H.E. Babar Amin and Ali Murtaza

Arif Mushtaq, CG Mr. Ashraf, H.E. Babar Amin and Ustad Mushtaq

Farhat Jaffri, Ustad Mushtaq, Hon. Shaoquett Moselmane and Syed Zafar Hussain

Pakistani Diplomates and Prominent Community dignitaries with High Commissioner H.E. Babar Amin

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