Sada-e-Watan Sydney ™

Pakistan Day celebrations arranged in Bankstown Sydney by Pakistan Association of Australia
(Photos by; Syed Abbas Naqvi - Report by; Hamid Saroha,General Secretary PAA)

On Saturday, 20th March 2021, the Pakistan Association of Australia (PAA) organised a commemorative dinner to celebrate Pakistan Resolution Day. The Honourable guests included:

H.E.Mr Babar Amin, High Commissioner for Pakistan
The Hon. Dr Mehreen Faruqi, Australian Senator
The Hon. Julia Dorothy Finn, Shadow Minister for Consumer Protection, and Carers, NSW
The Hon. Julie Owens, Deputy Chair of Standing Committee on Appropriations and Administration, Tax and Revenue
Mr Muhammad Ashraf, Consul General of Pakistan,
Mr Laurie Ferguson, Great Australia Politician
Mr Sheryar Khan Mandokhel , Counsellor of Pakistan Consulate Sydney
Mr Masood Chowdhury & Mr Rey Manoto, Councillors for Campbelltown City Council

Dr Nadir Hafiz

Representatives from ICAN, IFAM, PPBSA, ANIC, AFIC, PACS, 5 News Australia, Sada-e-Watan, Rabita Magazine, Pak-Oz media & Dr Akbar Khan

The event honoured and celebrated not only the Pakistan Resolution passed in 1940, but also the contribution that Pakistani expatriates have made in helping build a diverse and prosperous Australian society. The President of the PAA, Mr Farhat Jaffri, delivered a special message from the Prime Minister of Australia and the Premier of NSW for the Pakistani community celebrating Resolution Day.

The event recognised the achievements of Pakistani students who completed their HSC with an ATAR of 90+ in 2020 and awarded trophies to the winners of the PAA’s Squash and Badminton competitions which were held last weekend. The event also recognised the significant accomplishments of gifted and talented Pakistani children in a variety of fields including sports and technology.
The other highlights of the night were musical items by local artists and theatrical performances by children dressed in colourful traditional Pakistani clothing. The night was capped off with a delicious ethnic Pakistani cuisine.

The event was highly popular and successful with over 400 attendees which resulted in great pride and recognition of the Pakistani Australian community, not only from the office of the Consul General and the PAA, but also amongst members of the community itself. The High Commissioner of Pakistan H.E. Babar Amin recognised and congratulated the PAA for its exceptional contributions in organising the Pakistan Day event.

High Commissioner Babar Amin

Consul General Muhammad Ashraf

Mr. Farhat Jaffri (President)

Hamid Saroha (General Secretary)

Dr. G.A. Khan

Deputy Consul General Sheryar Khan

Raeesah Rana with her teacher Mrs. Jihad Dib

Raeesah Rana - 91.6

Nabeel Hasan Rana - 91.4

Musa Haider - 99.25

 Hon. Julie Owens, Federal MP and Abbas Rana

Hon. Dr Mehreen Faruqi, Australian Senator

Iftikhar Rana, H.E. Babar Amin, CG Mr. Ashraf and Syed Zafar Hussain

Raja Aslam, H.E. Babar Amin and CG Muhammad Ashraf

DCG Sheryar Khan, Mr. Ahmad, Ahsan Rana and Dr Khurram Kayani

 Abbas Rana speaking at the event

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