Sydney ™
Mr. Mumtaz Mian
Honourable Members of Parliament,
Excellency the High
Commissioner for Pakistan,
Distinguished Guests, Ladies and Gentlemen,
AslamoAlykum, Slamti and blessings on all.
On behalf of Kashmir Council of Australia (KCA), I welcome and thank you for your time and effort for supporting 8 million Kashmiris against Indian aggression and lockdowns since 5 AUG 2019.
1. My name is Mumtaz Mian and I am the founder of Kashmir Council of Australia. My professional background relates to IT industry. I started with the Government of Pakistan and resigned from a senior executive role after serving for 7 years. Prior to my resignation I had a grade 19 officer to head Computer Services department of the Ministry of Information. After resigning, I took an assignment in the Middle East. After 4 years I migrated to Australia 40+ years ago and during this period I have performed many roles in the public and private sectors. For last few years I have been living a retired life.
2. Kashmir Council of Australia was established in 1993 to morally support the Kashmiri struggle for a free and fair plebiscite as promised by the UN vide the resolutions of 1948 and to raise awareness about the atrocities and systematic genocide of Kashmiris being committed by the occupying Indian forces. This event is an effort towards the same objective. Dr Ali Sarfraz is the president, Mr A.G. Butt is the Vice President, I am the General Secretary, Mr Fahid Hamid is the Joint Secretary and Mr Raja Hamid is the Treasurer.
3. The event started with recitation of Holly Quran; its translation and then a reference to the saying of our beloved prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) about atrocities and depiction of its judgement in the heaven. An Introduction is underway following which the honourable speakers will be invited to speak on the subject. After the speeches, Dr Ali Sarfraz, President of KCA will offer thanks to the participants and supporters. Thereafter, a resolution will be moved following that ‘The supporters of Human Rights in Kashmir’ will be acknowledged and presented with plaques. Thereafter, refreshments will be served.
4. As mentioned earlier, KCA was established in 1993. From the very beginning the council has been benefiting from the association of a close friend Syed Zafar Hussain. Syed Zafar has been an inspiration throughout the life of this council. My gratitude and special thanks to him. Due to Islamophobia we have not been able to attract general media however, the Sada-e-Watan Sydney published by Syed Zafar Hussain has always been readily available to accommodate and publish activities and achievements of this council. We are grateful for his assistance and service rendered to the cause.
5. Today’s event will be managed by Zainab Kamran who has been kind enough to spare her valuable time to perform as MC. From here on, Zainab will continue with the event. The event is hereby declared opened and I request you all to give a big hand to welcome Zainab Kamran to the stage.
Wing Commander (R) Usman Khan, Hon. Shaoquett Moselmane MP, Mumtaz Mian and Syed Zafar Hussain