Sydney ™
Pakistan Australia Business Council hosted fund raising for Bushfires and Welcome dinner for New CG Pakistan Muhammad Ashraf
The Pakistan Australia Business Council fund raising dinner in Himalaya Granville Sydney on Saturday 25th January 2020 organized for fund raising for NSW Rural Fire Services was very well attended event. The event was attended by Pakistan’s Consul General Muhammad Ashraf, who was the Chief Guest, Australian Politicians, members of the Sub-continent communities and prominent Pakistani community leaders. The twin objective of the event was to raise funds for the affected fire-fighters and to introduce the new CG of Pakistan in Sydney Mr. Ashraf to the community.
Sadaqat Siddiq
The Secretary General PABC Mr. Sadaqat Siddiq,
Latif Chaudhry
Member Executive Mr. Latif Chaudhry and
Ashraf Chohan
MC Mr. Ashraf Chohan updated on the activities of the PABC and detailed its role and activities in promoting bilateral economic, trade relations between Australia and Pakistan and gave details of the exchange of delegations between the two countries and meetings organized by PABC for the community with Australian Foreign Minister, Immigration Minister, Attorney General and all the Australian High Commissioners to Pakistan since 2006.
Iftikhar Rana (President)
The host of the evening, President of Pakistan Australia Business Council Mr Iftikhar Rana informed that former Australian High Commissioner Her Excellency Zorica McCarthy is a patron of PABC and a former Pakistan High Commissioner Abdul Malik Abdullah and Consul General Azam Mohammed are its advisors. The PABC also has MOU with its counterpart, the Australia Pakistan Business Council based in Pakistan and recognised by the Australian High Commission.
Mr. Iftikhar Rana informed that the PABC and the Pakistan-Australian Community have always responded to needs both in Pakistan and Australia and like previous events where PABC contributed in Queensland Flood and Victoria fires, it is now going to support the brave man and women and their children who have worked so hard and sacrificed their lives so that we can be safe. No amount of monetary contribution can do justice but it also reflects the great respect and esteem by which this community holds our fire-fighter community- both the regulars and the volunteers, It is these heroes who keep Australia safe by sacrificing their lives, their time, their vacation and even their Christmas and New Year eves.
President PABC Iftikhar Rana said that all funds collected will be handed over to Honourable Shaoquett Moselmane, Assistant President of the NSW Parliament who will present it to the NSW Fire authorities on behalf of the Pakistani-Australian community.
Hon. Shaoquett Moselmane
The Hon. Shaoquett Moselmane appreciated the thoughts and actions of the community and said it is nice to see the community efforts to contribute to the broader Australian Community. He mentioned of the help and love showed by Australia during Pakistan’s hour of needs and expressed satisfaction that the Pakistani community is reflecting the same spirit.
Hon.Senator Dr Mehreen Faruqi
The Hon. Senator Dr Mehreen Faruqi stressed on the need for sensible policies on Climate Change as the current levels of threat is a wake call for taking the right steps. The impact on human lives and wildlife and environment is staggering and calls for urgent attention.
Consul General of Pakistan & Trade Minister Mr. Muhammad Ashraf
Chief Guest of the evening, Consul General of Pakistan & Trade Minister Mr. Muhammad Ashraf thanks Mr. Iftikhar Rana for arranging wonderful event on short notice. He thanks for best wishes of the PABC, Speakers and Community.
Chief Guest of the evening Muhammad Ashraf
CG Muhammad Ashraf praised the selfless work of the fire-fighters and appreciated the spirit of the community to contribute to the welfare of Australia. In his maiden speech to the Community, he informed of the recent improvement in Pakistan’s indicators, the growing opportunity for trade, investment and tourism.
New CG Mr. Ashraf
New CG Muhammad Ashraf said it is worrisome that in the last 4-5 years, there is negative investment from Australia to Pakistan and informed of his plans to reverse this trend. He said his work strategy is based on professionalism and open-door policy. He will seek active help of the community for promoting the 2 countries economic relations, better understanding with the NSW authorities and effective consular services.
Mr. Faraan Mirza
The President Pakistan Students Association Macquarie University Sydney Mr. Faraan Mirza said that I was given the honour to speak at the Pakistan Business Council of Australia's dinner on behalf of the Australian Pakistani Youth community. I would like to thank Honourable Senator Mehreen Faruqi, Honourable MLC Shaoquett Moselmane and would like to welcome our new Consul General of Pakistan Mr Mohammad Ashraf. I will working closely with the Pakistani Youth Community across various universities in order to raise funds for the Bushfire victims. It's great to see the Pakistani community come together under the Leadership of Mr. Iftikhar Rana to help out our Australian community.
Azam Mohammed
Mr. Azam Mohammed, Former Consul General said he knows Muhammad Ashraf as they were worked in Ministry of Commerce together and Mr. Ashraf indeed is a true professional and is committed to enhancement of trade and investment. Mr. Azam also thanked PABC and particularly the President Mr. Iftikhar Rana for arranging fund raising for the fire-fighters and introducing Mr. Ashraf.
Mr. Azam Mohammed thanked the fire-fighters, all those who were present and contributed and Mr. Ashraf Chohan for a well-arranged event. He also thanked the media particularly Mr. Zafar Hussain Shah for positive role in keeping the community abreast with latest developments. He also thanked the committee who planned this at short notice under supervision of Hon. Shaoquett Moselmane and Iftikhar Rana comprising of Nadeem Sheikh, the representative of Sada-e-Watan, Mr. Alan Ishtiaq, Mr Sadaqat Siddiq and Syed Zafar Hussain. IN particular he also thanked Blacktown Councilor Moninder Singh, Judge NSW Supreme Court Joan Harrison and former President Upper House Parliament the Hon. Amanda Fazio MLC for supporting the Pakistan Community settled in Australia.
Dr. Khurram Kayani, Sheryar Khan and CG Mr Ashraf
The Hon.Amanda Fazio and Hon.Shaoquett Moselmane, MP
CG Muhammad Ashraf and Dr. Syed Muzahar Abbas
President PABC Iftikhar Rana, CG Muhammad Ashraf and Mr. Israr Chaudhry
MC Mr. Ashraf Chohan
Host of the evening, President of Pakistan Australia Business Council Mr Iftikhar Rana
Assistant President Upper House of New South Wales The Hon. Shaoquett Moselmane
First Muslim and First Pakistani Australian Senator The Hon. Dr. Mehreen Faruqi
Chief Guest Consul General of Pakistan & Trade Minister Mr. Muhammad Ashraf
General Secretary PABC Mr. Sadaqat Siddiq
Former Consul General Mr. Azam Mohammed
Syed Zafar Hussain, Dr Sayeed Khan, Sheryar Khan, CG Mr. Ashraf and Dr. Shaukat Javed (Advisor Sada e Watan)