da-e-Watan Sydney ™

Saab Rana and Hon.S.Moselmane

Bint Jbeil Association of Australia hosted a Iftar dinner at Rockdale Town Hall Sydney

On Saturday, 11th May 2019, BINT JBEIL ASSOCIATION of Australia hosted a Iftar dinner at the Rockdale Town Hall Sydney. The dinner was attended by Federal Member of Parliament Hon. Linda Burney, Hon. Shaoquett Moselmane MLC, Member of Canterbury Hon. Sophie Cotsis MP and more than 200 Guests.

Saab Rana, the President of Bint Jbeil Association of Australia Principal Solicitor & Barrister at Saab Law Group welcomes all and appreciated Great community services of the Hon. Shaoquett Moselmane MP and presented him a shield of appreciation for elected as the Assistant President of the New South Wales Legislative Council. Saab Rana, the President of Bint Jbeil Association of Australia briefly talked about the welfare services of the Association and thanks all who are always contributing for serving disadvantage people.

Hon.Linda Burney

Hon. Shaoquett Moselmane

Saab Rana, the President of Bint Jbeil Association

Bayside Council Mayor Bill Saravinovski

Khalil Jaber

Hon. Shaoquett Moselmane with his son and Father

President Saab Rana presenting Shield to Hon. Moselmane

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