Sada-e-Watan Sydney ™

The Hon. Shaoquett Moselmane MLC hosted a Fundraiser dinner for Anthony Albanese MP and Tony Burke MP with Special guest Former Premier &  Foreign Minister Prof Honourable Bob Carr

Helena Bob Carr and Host the Hon. Shaoquett Moselmane

The ALP has moved closer to embracing Palestinian statehood, with the national conference passing the strongest resolution in its history calling on the next Labor government to proceed with recognition.

Famous Muslim Leader Hussain Derani with Hon. Bob Carr

The resolution passed unanimously at the 2018 conference, calling on the next Labor government to recognise Palestine as a state.People of Australia are openly appreciates voice of ALP for Palestinian & supporting to Former Federal Minister Hon. Anthony Albanese MP and to Former Federal Minister Hon. Tony Burke MP and other leaders who helped through this debate.

Hon. Anthony Albanese and Hon. Amanda Fazio

Hon. Shaoquett Moselmane MLC hosted a Fundraiser dinner for Anthony Albanese MP and Tony Burke MP with Special guest Former Premier & Former Foreign

 Minister Prof The Honourable Bob Carr in Recognition of their work and support for Justice for the Palestinian people. Dinner was held on Monday, 8th April 2019 at the “Grand Roxy” Brighton-le-sands Sydney and attended by Hon. Amanda Fazio and hundreds leading politicians, social workers, Businessmen, Journalists and political activists.

Host of event, the Hon. Shaoquett Moselmane Speech;

The Hon. Shaoquett Moselmane

My Dear Prof the Hon Bob Carr and Helena Carr, Hon. Anthony Albanese, Member for Grayndler, Hon. Tony Burke member for Watson, His worship the Mayor Clr Bill Saravinovski Mayor of Bayside, Deputy Mayor Joe Awada, Former president of the Legislative Council the Hon Amanda Fazio, Clrs tarek Ibrahim, Deputy Mayor and President of the Lebanese community Council of NSW Clr Ali Karnib, Community leaders, Doctors, president and members of ACETCA, Prof Cai and friends, The Shanghainese Association, Rep of ICPA, Rep of APAN, the many friends and community leaders in the Palestinian community, Union leaders, Local sporting clubs, one and all.

Syed Zafar Hussain and Hon. Shaoquett Moselmane

You are all my friends and I am always grateful for your support. You always answer the call and your presence here and support is most appreciated. Tonight is not just a fundraiser but an opportunity for all of us to thank and support the Australian Labor Party, a party of social justice, a party that has championed the rights of workers, the rights of citizens to live in a healthy environment and in a safe and peaceful world where we all live side by side and respect one another irrespective of race, colour, sex or creed.It is a night to thank the people who represent us in Federal parliament, our special guests, the Hon Anthony Albanese, the Hon Tony Burke and of course Prof the Hon Bob Carr.

It’s because of them and because of you and people like you, like the former president of the Legislative Council Amanda Fazio, former Senator, Wendy Turner, people like Abdulkader Karanouh, Eddie Zananiri and others, that we are at this important political juncture.

The 2018 Labor National Conference was about Health and Education, jobs, justice and the future of the Australian people.The Conference was, as described by Bill Shorten, a forum of “passion, of unity of vision for a better Australia”.

In the words of Mr Shorten, we are about respect. We respect the Australian people. We respect the intelligence of our fellow Australians. We have faith in their sense of fairness and we take people into our confidence.”
“We believe this nation needs a change. We believe Australia deserves a change. “My team and I understand that millions of Australians are counting on us. “We are ……more energised and more determined than ever.”

With your support, Labor will win the trust of the Australian people and enable Labor to deliver on jobs, on healthcare, on education, support people fight the dreaded cancer and ensure that Medicare survives into the future.

Mayor Clr Bill Saravinovski

Labor will deliver on justice for people dispossessed and we hope that with your support Labor will recognise Palestine as a state and will make Palestine a priority.
Our first Speaker for the night is His worship the Mayor Clr Bill Saravinovski. His worship was first elected in 1983 at the age of 21 years and holds the record for Rockdale Council as the youngest councillor in the history.
He has been elected Mayor 9 times. He was the last Mayor of Rockdale council and first Mayor of Bayside Council. He is the first Macedonian Born person outside Macedonia to be elected to the position of Mayor anywhere in the world in 1994. He is known for being the super nice guy and a real gentleman. Please join me in welcoming his worship to the stage.

Speech of the Australian Palestine Leader Eddie Zain

Honourable Members of State and Federal Parliaments, Distinguished Guests, ladies and gentlemen,

I honour this two flagged pin. Thank you Louay Mustafa.

The modern history of relations between the ALP and Palestine started in1975 at a meeting with the then ALP Deputy Prime Minister, Jim Cairns. A lot of meetings with ALP politicians ensued and ALP MPs, Trade Unionists and activists started visiting Beirut for discussions with the Palestinian leadership. This was reciprocated by a number of Palestinian officials visiting Australia.

While there was the normal occasional wrinkle, relations between the ALP and Palestinians grew steadfastly. The warmth graph between both parties always, always trended upwards. The rest is history. On numerous occasions, some of you would have heard me reiterate that the majority of the Australian Palestinian community, and with it, large swathes of the Australian Arab community where always ardent supporters of the ALP. This was based on the ALP’s progressive platform on issues of social justice and respect for International Law.

Our expectation was, with such a platform, it was a matter of time before the ALP came good on Palestine. Well, ladies and gentlemen, the ALP has come good on Palestine. The ALP has come good on Palestine what with the resolution of last year’s national conference for the next Labor government to recognise Palestine as a matter of priority. This, at a time when the intransigence of the Israeli government and its escalating disregard of International Law were growing in leaps and bounds. Land grabs continue, offences against civilians and their properties, the Knesset’s recent Israeli Nationality Law and Netanyahu’s insistence the last couple of days that he will annex all the Israeli settlements in the West Bank, large and small.

We meet today to salute all those in the ALP who contributed to the resolution to recognise Palestine. Thousands of ALP members in their branches, a majority of ALP parliamentarians on state and federal levels across Australia and some esteemed elders of the Labor Party like Gareth Evans and Bob Hawke.This resolution would not have come to be without the invaluable contributions of four pillars of the Labor movement who are with us tonight.

The Hon Prof Bob Carr whose leadership and tireless efforts where crucial in swaying opinion within the party despite constant harassment by ”the lobby”, to which he alluded in his book. The Hon Anthony Albanese, to whom I had the good fortune to be introduced in the early nineties by the late Tom Uren. Anthony was always unwavering in his support for justice for Palestinians, whether as president of Young Labor, or later as an MP and Labor Minister.

The Hon Tony Burke whose unceasing efforts rallied large sections of the ALP in support of Palestine, and who, in conjunction with Albanese, aligned factions of the party in favour of recognition. And, last but not least, the indefatigable Shaoquett Moselmane, who carried the Palestinian cause on his shoulders, wherever he went, in the process facing incessant harassment.

Ladies and gentlemen, please put your hands together for these great Australian champions of the Palestinian cause. Friends, the Palestinian community and with us the Arab community, indeed, the 73% of the broad Australian public who support recognition of Palestine, owe you, and through you the ALP, a debt of gratitude for your tremendous efforts and success.

In expressing our appreciation, we also express our solidarity with you and reaffirm we will be standing with you come next elections. Our efforts will continue, unabated, until Australian recognition of Palestine becomes a reality. This recognition would not only be symbolic, it would be instrumental in conveying to the Israeli government Australia’s displeasure at their practices. It would also encourage like minded nations, like New Zealand and the UK, under a future Labor government, to follow suit. All this would be invaluable for a push towards respecting International Law when it comes to Palestine. Thank you for your support.

Prof the Hon Bob Carr

Hon. Anthony Albanese MP

Hon. Tony Burke MP

Mayor Clr Bill Saravinovski

Hon. Shaoquett Moselmane

Syed Zafar Hussain and Hon. Bob Carr

Ali Murtaza, S. Zafar Hussain and Hon. Bob Carr

Journalist Nabiha Haddara and Syed Zafar Hussain

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