Sada-e-Watan Sydney ™

 Faraan Mirza, Waleed bin Asim, Kamil Khan and CG Yousfani

Pakistani Students Cricketers of UNSW win First Emerging Pakistan Cricket 2018 Trophy in Sydney
(Exclusive report by; Syed Zafar Hussain, Editor -in- Chief Sada-e-Watan Sydney)

PAKISTAN Cricket Cup Tournament was held in Sydney on Sunday, 25 November 2018. Eight teams participated in the contest and thirteen matches were held. The final match between the Western SYDNEY University and University of New South Wales was the toughest of all. The Emerging Pakistan Cricket 2018 went to the University of New South Wales. The Consul General of Pakistan Mr Abdul Majid Yousfani distributed the trophies and Awards to the players. He appreciated youngest players’ performance in Ground. CG Abdul Majid Yousfani Congratulates winning team of the UNSW and highly appreciated Captain of winners Mr Arslaan and players of the runner up team.

The Consul General of Pakistan Mr Abdul Majid Yousfani was Patron in Chief of this tournament who provided all type of assistance and supervised arrangements. Consul General Abdul Majid Yousfani thanks all sponsors, players and audience and hope that this unique tournament will be held every year & people will enjoyed young Pakistanis Cricket. CG

Abdul Majid Yousfani also thanks Main organiser Kamil Khan

Faraan Mirza

& associates Waleed bin Asim, Faraan Mirza and others for helping in this wonderful Cricket tournament.

Mr Steven Foster, President of the BLACKTOWN Cricket Club supported the Emerging Pakistan Cricket Cup Tournament held on 25 November 2018 and assured his guidance to the Students players of the different Universities of Australia who played world class cricket.

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