Sydney ™
Australian Pakistani Community
handover donation of $4700 collected to Red Cross Drought
(Syed Zafar Hussain, Editor-in- Chief Sada-e-Watan Sydney)
The Hon.Shaoquett Moselmane MP recently speaks in Parliament about the terrible drought situation of New South Wales. He said that farmers consider this drought to be the worst they have faced for years, which is impacting on them emotionally and financially. The drought has hit other States but New South Wales has been hit hardest. Approximately 99 per cent of the State is officially in drought.
The Hon.Shaoquett Moselmane said that farmers are struggling financially and are in psychological distress. Australia's culture of mateship and solidarity has always been an essential part of our national identity. People go out of their way to assist their brothers and sisters in need.
On the suggestion of Hon.Shaoquett Moselmane, Pakistan Association of Australia collected help drought-affected farmers. The Pakistan Australia Business Council also held a fundraiser for drought relief. Pakistan Community for a combined donation of $4700 was collected to Red Cross Drought Appeal.
On Wednesday, 24th Oct 2018, the President Pakistan Association Mr Abbas Rana and President Pakistan Australia Business Council Mr Iftikhar Rana presented a cheque to the Hon.Shaoquett Moselmane.
Rana Munir, Iftikhar Rana, H.E. Babar Amin and Mr Ishtiaq Khan
The High Commissioner for Pakistan H.E. Mr. Babar Amin, Consul General Mr Abdul Majid Yousfani, Counsellor Aamer Ahmed Atozai, Brigadier Muhammad Asim Khan, Defence Advisor Pakistan High Commission, Bushra Salam Consul of Pakistan Consulate Sydney and prominent members of the Australian Pakistani community was present during the simple ceremony of handover cheque to the Hon.Shaoquett Moselmane MLC.
Syed Zafar Hussain and High Commissioner H.E. Babar Amin
The High Commissioner His Excellency Mr. Babar Amin said that I thank all our community groups and individuals who have made a contribution towards drought relief in NSW.
President PABC Iftikhar Rana and Hon.Shaoquett Moselmane
Counsellor Aamer Ahmed Atozai and Dr Irfan Noor of APMA
Iftikhar Rana, Consul Bushra Salam, Hon.Shaoquett Moselmane and Azam Mohammed
Mr Khan, Brig. Asim Khan, Mr Ahmed and CG Abdul Majid Yousfani
Ghafoor Butt, Brig Javed, Arshad Butt, Hon. Shaoquett, Molana Thanvi and Zafar Hussain
President PABC Iftikhar Rana and President PAA Abbas Rana Presenting Cheque