Sada-e-Watan Sydney ™

TCF Educating Children Inc. annual dinner

TCF Educating Children, Australia was formed in 2013 and is a volunteer-driven registered chapter of The Citizens Foundation (TCF) Pakistan, one of the largest not for profits, which aims to take children off the streets and child labour, and into schools. The Citizens Foundation (TCF) Pakistan has established over 1482 schools across Pakistan, providing quality education to over 220,000 children. Our Australian Chapter has been established to create awareness of projects that TCF Pakistan is executing in order to improve the level of education for the children of Pakistan.

On behalf of TCF-Educating Children Inc.  Australia, I would like to invite readers of Sada-e-Watan to attend our Annual Charity Fundraiser Dinner on the 3rd of November 2018, at the Madison Function Centre in Dural Sydney. We invite you to be a part of the movement to drive change and support our future generations. Please help us to highlight this most important issue in our country, achieve our fundraising goals and help them to realize their dreams.  We look forward to welcoming you. For Ticket bookings, please visit        

Yours faithfully,
Sanam Thariani
TCF-Educating Children Inc. Australia 


Contact us today for more information on or email us on

Sanam Thariani 0423331665
Nazish Minto 0414650866
Ghazala Khan 0416252222
Asima Baig Ali Khan 0425392038
Saliha Wazirzada 0401068643
Wajiha Qureshi 0498454185

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