Sada-e-Watan Sydney ™

Eid Al-Adha/ Kurban Bayram Celebration/ Eid Milan Lunch held at Gallipoli Home Auburn Sydney
(Syed Zafar Hussain, Editor-in-Chief Sada-e-Watan Sydney)

Welcome all at the Gallipoli Home Auburn

“Gallipoli Home” is First aged care home in Sydney dedicated to serving the needs of Muslim & culturally diverse elders. It is located just next to Gallipoli Mosque Auburn Sydney. The management chose to build Gallipoli Home at this location due to proximity to the mosque, public transport, and the communities that we seek to service.

On Saturday 25th August 2018, Eid Al-Adha/ Kurban Bayram Celebration/ Eid Milan Lunch was held there which was attended by the residents, staff and guests. The Consul General of Pakistan in Sydney Mr Abdul Majid Yousfani, Hon. Julie Finn MP, Member of Granville Sydney, Mr Aksoy Attaché Consulate General of Turkey Sydney, Mr Khurram Jawaid, Director “Qartaba Homes” and other renowned personalities was invited as a special Guest at the Eid Event.

After lunch Consul General Mr Abdul Majid Yousfani and Hon. Julie Finn MP distributed Eid gifts and thanks management for hosting Eid Mubarak function at Gallipoli Home Auburn Sydney.

CG Abdul Majid Yousfani and Syed Zafar Hussain

Robina Yasmin and Hon. Julia Finn MP

 Khurram Jawaid, Director “Qartaba Homes” and CG Abdul Majid Yousfani

 Khurram Jawaid, Director “Qartaba Homes” , CG Abdul Majid Yousfani and Hon. Julia Finn MP

Khurram Jawaid, Director “Qartaba Homes” ,Turkish Diplomat Mr Aksoy and Syed Zafar Hussain

Preparation of BBQ Lunch

 Mr Khurram Jawaid, CG Mr Abdul Majid Yousfani, Turkish Attaché Mr Aksoy and Hon. Julia Finn MP

Gallipoli Home Auburn Sydney

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