Sydney ™
Executive Director Susan Laguna
than 200 attended MDAA 2018 Annual General Meeting at the Granville
(Exclusive report to
Sada-e-Watan by Robina Yasmin and Daniela Correia)
The Multicultural Disability Advocacy Association of NSW Inc (MDAA) is a peak body in New South Wales providing advocacy for people from Culturally and Linguistically Diverse (CALD) and non-English speaking.
On Wednesday morning of 12th December
2018, the Multicultural Disability Advocacy Association of NSW Inc. (MDAA) 23rd
Annual General Meeting was held at the St Marks Anglican Church, 17 Mary St,
Granville Sydney. More than 200 attended MDAA AGM and practically thanks
Services provided by the Multicultural Disability Advocacy Association of NSW
MDAA published Annual report 2017 – 2018 brochure which was distributed
to all. The report was coves financial report prepared by independent
professional Audit. There is exclusive Messages of Chairperson Vivi Germanos-
Koutsanadis & Executive Director Susan Laguna. In the souvenir, MDAA
highlighted his activities, challenges and achievements with fantastic
MDAA head office is located in Granville
Sydney but they also have branch offices at Bega, Griffith, Newcastle and
In AGM Federal Senator Honourable Dr Mehreen Faruqi was invited
as a Guest Speaker who is NSW Green’s Senator, the first Muslim woman to sit in
an Australian Parliament, and who has been awarded for her work on instigating
social change. Unfortunately Hon Mehreen can’t attend the event due to her
sudden sickness.
As a leading advocacy organisation in NSW, MDAA has
been working to promote, protect and secure the rights of people with
disability, their families and carers with a particular focus on those from
Culturally and Linguistically Diverse (CALD)/Non-English-speaking backgrounds
(NESB) for the last 22 years.
MDAA advocates at both individual and
systemic levels for the rights and interests of its consumers. Through its
advocacy work MDAA identifies entrenched and emerging issues impacting its
consumers and lobbies at state and federal levels to help bring about positive
reforms. MDAA also holds regular consultations with the CALD/NESB community,
government agencies, Members of Parliament and other disability service
providers to identify and address systemic issues affecting its consumers. This
year particularly, has made us reflect on the importance of advocacy
“Although State and Federal Government guaranteed funding for
advocacy until 2020, the future is still uncertain as we are not sure what will
happen with advocacy services after 2 years”, informs Susan Laguna, MDAA
Executive Director.
MDAA, along with a number of independent disability advocacy organisations, continues through the ‘Stand By Me’ campaigning to call both Governments to commit to ongoing funding for NSW independent disability advocacy after June 2020.
Susan Laguna and Vivi Koutsounadis, MDAA’s
Chairperson, was available on the day to talk about why continued provision of
independent advocacy is important, and other related matters including
under-representation of people from CALD/NES backgrounds with disability in the
National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS).
Nicholas Lay and Joanne Chater
was Master of ceremonies who starts the AGM with traditional honour “Welcome to
Executive Director MDAA Susan Laguna
Susan Laguna, MDAA Executive Director speaks on this occasion and Welcome all. Susan Laguna gratefully acknowledges funding provided by the Australian Government through Commonwealth funding grants from the department of Social Services and from the NSW government from the Department of Ageing, Disability and home Care, Department of Family and Community Services.
Vivi Koutsounadis, MDAA’s Chairperson officially opens AGM and Treasurer Mary Kumar presented financial report. There was also election of Governance Committee Members, Amendments to MDAA Constitution and Presentation of certificates of appreciation to staff members. MDAA AGM was closed followed by Lunch and Music, dance entertainment celebration.
Vivi Koutsounadis, MDAA’s Chairperson
Treasurer Mary Kumar
Robina Yasmin speaking at AGM