Sada-e-Watan Sydney ™
More than 500 Wheelchairs will be delivered for Pakistani Disable Kids
Dear Mr. Zafar Hussain,
I provide you with a brief report and some photographs of Tue, 10th Dec
gathering at NSW parliament. We missed you today but I know you were busy for
other important project.
As you are aware, I have been working on the delivery of over 500 wheelchairs to
Pakistan to help those kids that need Wheelchairs most. The wheelchairs will
provide them the important freedoms that mobility provide and hopefully improve
their living standard.
The Hon Amanda Fazio MLC, accompanied by her daughter and I as well as Mr. Sadaqat Siddiq General Secretary of Pakistan Australia Business Council, will be departing to Pakistan this Saturday, 14th Dec 2013 for a seven day Goodwill visit and to deliver the two containers of wheelchairs.
With the support of the Consulate General of Pakistan and in particular, the help of Mr. Abdul Aziz Uqaili and Shifaat Kaleem, I had organized a meeting at NSW Parliament so as to meet with the Australian Pakistani Organizations of EDHI and ALKHIDMAT Representatives. The meeting was to discuss our visit to Pakistan and put in place arrangements to meet with Australian and Pakistani officials but more importantly, to discuss arrangements with the Edhi and Alkhidmat Foundations who are the real purpose of our second Pakistani Visit.
In attendance was, the Hon Amanda Fazio MLC, Consul General Mr. Abdul Aziz
Uqaili, representatives from Pakistani Business Council, and a number of
Pakistani Associations as well as Pakistani media representatives. Present also
were Gerry Georgatos, Manager of the Wheelchairs for Kids Foundation as well as
Representatives from Edhi and Alkhidmat Foundations Australia.
The two Wheelchairs shipments will arrive in Pakistan on this week and we hope
to have the official presentation ceremonies on the19th of December in Karachi.
As always, I thank you for your kind
support and coverage of this initiative. I hope on my return, to organise with
Key business people and leaders of all Pakistani Associations to hold a Business
fundraiser to raise money and to donate them to the Western Australia based,
Wheelchairs for Kids Foundation. Without the help of this foundation and the
kind volunteers behind it, this initiative would not have been possible.
Yours Faithfully
The Hon. Shaoquett Moselmane MLC.
Level 11, Room 1116.
Parliament of New South Wales
Parliament House
Macquarie St, Sydney NSW 2000 Australia.