Sada-e-Watan Sydney ™

Amnesty International Afghan Women's Event at  Parramatta Town Hall Sydney

When:Tuesday February 19 2013 6:30 PM - 8:30 PM
Parramatta Town Hall, 182 Church St, Parramatta, NSW, 2150

Afghanistan: one of the worst places to be a woman?

Afghan women's rights activists demonstrate against a law restricting women's freedom of movement, 15 April 2009. The law has since been revised. © Pajhwok /Afghan News

Afghan women are fighting for their rights. How can Australia help?

Join Amnesty International for a lively discussion as we ask the question “Is Afghanistan one of the worst places in the world to be a woman?” in this free event at Parramatta Town Hall Sydney.

The panel will feature prominent Afghan women’s rights advocate Ms Wazhma Frogh - recipient of the 2009 International Woman of Courage Award who co-founded Afghanistan’s first Research Institute focused on women, peace and security and served as former Afghanistan Country Director of Global Rights.

On a special visit to Australia, Wazhma Frogh will share the inspiring efforts of Afghan women to improve their situation.

Ms Frogh will discuss what Australia can do to ensure that these gains are not lost among current political negotiations and the withdrawal of international military troops.

The panel also includes James Brown, Military Fellow at the Lowy Institute for International Policy and former officer in the Australian Army attached to Special Forces in Afghanistan, as well as Australian experts and community leaders.

Karen Middleton – Chief Political Correspondent for SBS World News Australia and author of 'An Unwinnable War - Australia in Afghanistan' – will moderate the panel.


Topic: Afghanistan: one of the worst places to be a woman?
Tuesday 19 February
6.30 pm arrival for 7.00 pm start, ending 8.30 pm
Light refreshments provided
FREE event

To RSVP please visit


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