Sada-e-Watan Sydney ™

Peace, Love and an Olive Branch Carrying Dove


Dear All,

Please close your eyes a moment, now Imagine a spectacular declaration of peace and love that takes a week to prepare!

Imagine the young Muslim children who spent an entire week working on the design, under the tutelage of internationally respected candle artist Mr. Jorge Pujol!

Then open your eyes to see respected political and community leaders from all persuasions lighting these candles in unison!

Then, climb with me on a 60 ft boom-lift and you will see the attached image reaching out to heaven, praying for the rest of the world to experience the peace and security we have and telling the world that we need Love to move forward.

Dear friends – This is the a project that sat in wait for what seems an eternity.

Finally, with the children of Malek Fahad Islamic School, artist Jorge Pujol, a little financial support from AFIC and the Islamic Friendship Association of Australia, that dream to project love and peace has become a spectacular reality.

I am grateful to the Principal of Malek Fahad Islamic School Dr. Ray Barrett and his Deputy Stephen Lord for seeing the merit in this project and agreeing to adopt it and to explain it to the school pupils who were very eager to participate.

I am grateful to the eager pupils who joined the project and to their parents who just as eagerly gave them not only permission, but also unwavering support.

I am grateful to my colleagues on the Executive Committee of the Muslims Australia – The Australian Federation of Islamic Councils for supporting the project.

I am also grateful to the Islamic Friendship Association for the patience and perseverance in waiting until we found the right partners for this great project.  The 2000+ candles had lay in their cardboard boxes wanting so eagerly to come together to project a message of peace and love, they seemed to corroborate with the summer’s heat as their wax clung them together in their protest at the delay.  Then the team from Islamic Friendship tenderly separated the candles reminding them to be patient for a few more moments so that they can make this wonderful display.

I am grateful to the political and community leaders who joined this demonstration, If I have missed any names, then I apologise in advance.

Kind Regards,
Keysar Trad,
Assistant Secretary of Muslims Australia



Hafez Kassem

President Muslims Australia - AFIC

His Excellency Jean Daniel

Ambassador of Lebanon

Sajit Smajit

Islamic Council of WA

Dr. Rateb Jneid

Islamic Council of WA

Farouk Khan

Islamic Council of SA

Dr. Shahabuddin Abdullah

Muslims Australia Secretary

Mohammad Yusuf

Islamic Council of QLD

Mohammad Hmeid

Islamic Council of NT

Mohamad Berjaoui

Islamic Council of ACT


Islamic Society of Christmas Island

Ghaith Krayem

Islamic Council of Victoria

Harun Abdullah

Muslims Australia EXCO member

Khaled Al-Melham

Chairman, Arab Council Australia

Clr. Khal Asfour

Mayor Bankstown City Council

Clr. Gus Balloot

Liverpool Council

Abdul Djabar Boudela

Islamic Relief

Hon. Tony Burke

Minister for Sustainability, Environment, Water, Population and Communities, Minister for the Arts.

Fawaz Chawk

Al wasat newspaper

Hon. Jason Clare

Cabinet Secretary, Minister for Home Affairs, Minister for Justice 

Abdul Hannan Harun

Islamic Council of Tasmania

Rawah El Samman

Muslims Australia EXCO member

Ahmed Farid

Vice Consul of Egypt

Hon. Shaoquett Moselmane MLC

MLC (Labor Party)

Laurie Ferguson MP


Br. Ahmad Hassan


Clr. Michael Hawatt

Canterbury City Council

Doug Hewitt

General Secretary, NSW Ecumenical Council

Mr. Tony Issa MP

Representing the premier of NSW

Dr. Tamer Kahil

President, Australians for Syria Association

Abdul Kamaruddine

Muslims Australia EXCO Member

Clr. Ali Karnib

Liverpool Council

Rebecca Kay

Independent candidate for Bankstown

Clr. Fadwaa Kebbe

Canterbury City Council

Dr Simon Longstaff

Executive Director, James Ethics Centre

Steven Lord

Deputy Principal (Primary) Malek Fahad Islamic School

Hon. Paul Lynch

Shadow Attorney General, and Shadow Minister for Justice

Hon. Tania Mihailuk

Member for Bankstown

Mr Richard Mitry

Mitry Lawyers

Hon. Silvana Nero MLC


Hon. Fred Nile MLC

Parliamentary Leader Christian Democratic Party

The Hon Barbara Perry MP

Shadow Minister for Ageing, Shadow Minister or Disability Services,

Cr. Brian Robson

Mayor Canterbury City Council

Cr. Khodr Saleh

Deputy Mayor Canterbury City Council



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