Sada-e-Watan Sydney ™



Hafiz Kassem, President Muslims Australia (AFIC)

Muslims Australia (AFIC)’s Annual Iftar Dinner was held in conjunction with Malek Fahd Islamic School and Muslims NSW at Malek Fahd Islamic School on 19 July 2014.

 Ms Rawah El Samman, AFIC Executive member hosted the ceremony and welcomed the guests on behalf of Muslims Australia (AFIC).  The guest’s  observed one minute silence to pray for peace in middle east and other parts of the world where innocent civilians are being killed.

Mr Matt Kean MP, represented the Prime Minister of Australia and read his message “Australian Muslims are an important part of an inclusive and cohesive Australia. Together, we are building a country which is a beacon of hope and optimism for people from right around the world and Ramadan is an opportunity to acknowledge the significant contributions Muslim-Australian community to our nation.”

Other dignitaries included Hon Jason Clare MP,  Shadow Minister for Communications, Hon. Amanda Fazio MP, Hon. Matt Thistlewaite MP,  Mark Coure MP, Mr Charles Casucelli MP, Mr Glenn Brooks MP, Ms Tania Mihailuk MP, Hon. Shaoquett Moselmane MLC. Diplomats, Representatives of other religious organisations such as ECAJ and NSW Ecumenical Council, Mayors of Councillors and community leaders. 

Mr Kassem, President Muslims Australia (AFIC) welcomed everyone to the Iftar Dinner and mentioned that it has become a regular event in the calendar of all our friends in the Muslim and the wider community of Sydney.

He mentioned that Ramadan is a special time of the year set aside by God Almighty, Allah swt, so that mankind can gain Piety,  in whatever we do. Ramadan is like a refresher course where we get trained to practice so that we would continue for the rest of the year.

He further mentioned that the world is silent at the terrible suffering and deaths of many all over the world. However, as human beings we cannot look away from what is happening. We need to unite together and raise our voices against injustice and for the suffering people of the world.

Hafiz Kassem, President Muslims Australia (AFIC)

Ms Rawah El Samman

Mayor of Bankstown  Khal Asfour

Hon. Matt Kean MP, represented the Prime Minister of Australia and he is reading PM message

Hon. Jason Clare MP,  Shadow Federal Minister for Communications

AFIC CEO Mr. Amjad Mehboob

Hon. Shaoquett Moselmane MLC


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