Sydney ™
Alumni of Australia would like to cordially invite you to their annual 2013 BBQ
Dear Members, Friends and Well Wishers, - ASAK
AMU Alumni of Australia would like to
cordially invite you to their annual 2013 BBQ Day. This will be held on Sunday,
May 19th 2013 @ 11.00am. The Venue will be at Campbell Hill Pioneer Reserve, 65
Campbell Hill Road, Guildford, Sydney NSW.
This is our time to relax, unwind, meet old friends and make new friends.
It will be a fun filled day for all Aligarians, friends, well wishes, their
families and any guests that they may wish to bring. Adults can enjoy their time
to relax, whilst the kids will enjoy playing and running around.
Please note this day in your calendars and diaries. Also could you all please
inform us by 30th April 2013 of the confirmation of your attendance, so that
adequate arrangements can be made?
Please remember this date and, come and join us in AMU
Alumin BBQ Day.
If you have any further questions or queries about this event, please feel free to contact us.
Thanks & Regards,
Mansoor - 0412 284 654
Secretary –AMU Alumni Australia