Sada-e-Watan Sydney
Hon. Shaoquett Moselmane, MP
The Hon Fred Nile
again moves to attack The Islamic Community via his Full-Face Coverings
Prohibition Bill 2014
Dear Friends,
REV The Hon Fred Nile is at it again. Attacking the Islamic Community but more
so the freedom of women to wear what they choose, via his Full-Face Coverings
Prohibition Bill 2014.
Today he moved it and delivered his second reading speech speaking of Islam and
Islamic terrorism.
This Bill is proposed to be debated within the next five calendar days. I
therefore urge you to write to me and all members of this parliament expressing
your views in response to the Bill as attached.
I will forward on to you Rev Nile's Speech introducing the Bill as soon as we
get it from Hansard.
Yours faithfully
The Hon. Shaoquett Moselmane MLC.
Level 11, Room 1116.
Parliament of New South Wales
Parliament House
Macquarie St, Sydney NSW 2000 Australia
t 02 9230 2526 || � 02 9230 2722