Sada-e-Watan Sydney ™
The Consul General of Pakistan Mr. Abdul Aziz Uqaili Visited TAFE Sydney Campus
On the invitation of Mr. David Riordan, Institute Director, TAFE Sydney, the Consul General of Pakistan, Mr. Abdul Aziz Uqaili, visited TAFE Sydney Campus on Tuesday, 18 February 2014. Mr Riordan, along with his team, welcomed the Consul General in the institute. After exchange of welcome remarks, Ms. Heather Roberts, Director, National and International Relations, TAFE Sydney, gave a detailed presentation about the history of the institute, the courses offered, composition of students, the faculty, and other areas of the institute.
Mr. David Riordan, Institute Director TAFE Sydney Presenting a souvenir to Consul General Abdul Aziz Uqaili
With 123 years of teaching and training excellence, TAFE Sydney is one of Australia’s oldest leading vocational education and training institutes. As per their vision, Sydney TAFE provides students with the best training and skills development to open up many exciting options for a bright and successful future in a way that suits their needs and lifestyle. At Sydney TAFE, students can achieve qualifications ranging from an apprenticeship or diploma, through to a degree qualification. The institute's commitment to quality and diversity has been validated by their success in winning the International Training Provider of the Year in 2012 and being named as a finalist in 2013. TAFE courses and programs attract over 3,000 international students from over 93 countries, in addition to their 67,000 local Australian students, all providing a cosmopolitan and dynamic learning environment. Presently, around 100 Pakistani students are seeking training at TAFE Sydney. Pakistan Navy had been interacting with TAFE Sydney since October 2013 for certain courses for their civilian employees. TAFE Sydney has cooperation with premier technical and vocational training institutes in Korea and Indonesia.
The Consul General discussed with and invited the Institute Director for establishing a relationship of TAFE Sydney with Pakistan's National Vocational and Technical Training Commission (NAVTTC) Islamabad, and Technical Education and Vocational Training Authorities (TEVTAs) of Punjab, Sindh and other provinces. The institute Director appreciated the idea and agreed to discuss various options of collaboration with the concerned authorities in Pakistan. The Consul General will soon be networking the relevant authorities with the TAFE Sydney.
Consul General Abdul Aziz Uqaili presented a Pakistani handicraft to the Director TAFE Mr. David Riordan
At the conclusion of the meeting Mr. David Riordan presented a souvenir to Mr. Abdul Aziz Uqaili. In return the Consul General presented a Pakistani handicraft to the Director TAFE Sydney. Besides, the Institute Director, David Riordan and Director, Heather Roberts, the meeting was attended by Ms. Laurie Price, Manager International Business Development, TAFE Sydney and Ms. Alison Taylor, Associate Director, Business Strategy and Services, TAFE Sydney. Later, Director Heather Roberts accompanied the Consul General on a visit of the institute.