Sydney ™
Mr Munir, Craig Kelly, Mr Yousafani, Julia Finn and Mr Uqaili
Munir Mohammad hosted a dinner in the honour of Abdul Majid Yousafani and Abdul Aziz Uqaili
The Consul General of Pakistan in Sydney Abdul Aziz Uqaili travelling back to Pakistan on 24th July after completed his 3 year tenure in Australia. He is replaced by senior Government officer of FBR Abdul Majid Yousafani.
On Tuesday, 12 July 2016, Munir Muhammad Publisher of Rabitah International and Managing Director Sydney Forex Pty Ltd hosted a dinner for farewell to Mr Uqaili and Welcome to Mr Yousafani. The dinner was held at the Himalaya Function Centre, Granville Sydney and attended by Dr G.K (Harry) Harinath, OAM, Chairperson Multicultural NSW and Current Chairman, Parramasala, Hafez Kassem, President AFIC, Ejaz Khan, President Pakistan Australia Association, Javed Nazar President Koocha e Saqafat and prominent members of the Australian Pakistani community.
Mr Zawar Shah was MC of the evening and function was start with reciting of Quran by Nazeerul Hasan Thanvi. Newly elected Federal Member of Parliament for Hughes Honourable Craig Kelly, Hon. Julia Dorothy Finn, State MP for Granville, New Consul General Abdul Majid Yousafani and outgoing Consul General Abdul Aziz Uqaili speaks on this event. At the end host Munir Muhammad thanks all guests and presented appreciates shield to CG Abdul Aziz Uqaili.
Nazeerul Hasan Thanvi
Zawar Hussain Shah
Hon. Julia Dorothy Finn
Abdul Majid Yousafani
Abdul Aziz Uqaili
Honourable Craig Kelly
Munir Muhammad