Sada-e-Watan Sydney ™

Canberra Islamic Centre Annual Fund Raiser Dinner will be held on Sat, 30 May 2015

Allhumdullilah, the construction of the first stage is now complete and it includes the foundation, pluming and drainage. The next stage will start shortly and it includes the steel columns and beams for the main prayer hall as well as timber frames and roof trusses. The estimated cost will be $200,000 and Insha'Allah the contract for this stage of work is being finalised and we expect to start in the next few weeks.

CIC  Annual Dinner: Saturday 30 May 2015 - 7.00pm

The target for this fund raising dinner is $150,000.
The Executive Committee invites all to support this annual fund raising event. Please contact the following to purchase your tickets:

Zafar Ahmad: 0438 929 049
Zainab Farouk: 0435 344 018
Suhail Jafri: 0414 998 867
Iqbal Zahid: 0411 108 781
Saba Awan: 0437 990 162
Ali Akbar: 0435 010 155
Azra Khan: 0409 324 693

The Program includes an elaborate dinner feast, guest speakers and a jam packed program including auction of attractive items, singing of nasheeds, skits and trivia competition.

Tickets $100 per person, $300 Family ticket

You can make donations to
Canberra Islamic Centre
Commonwealth Bank BSB 062914
Account No - 10811482

Your are invited to provide items that can be auctioned. Please contact any of the above members to confirm your items ahead of time.

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