Sada-e-Watan Sydney ™
Canberra Islamic Centre Fund Raising Dinner - Sat 15 June 7pm
Assalaam Aleikum Wa Rahmatullahe Wa Barkathu
The CIC Executive Committee invites you to the
Annual Fund Raising Dinner
Stage 2 CIC-ANIL Complex
Saturday 15 June from 7.00 pm
Canberra Islamic Centre,221 Clive Steele Avenue,Monash
InshaaAllah, this fund raising is to collect funds to cover the cost of the first stage of the building construction. Stage 2 of the CIC complex includes a large Masjid, library reading rooms, and other facilities. The building plans are currently with ACT Planning Authority for approval and InshaaAllah construction should commence very soon.
Key Note Speaker Dr Mohamad Abdalla*
* A/Prof Mohamad Abdalla: Founding Director I Griffith Islamic Research Unit (GIRU), Griffith University QLD
Director (QLD Node) I National Centre of Excellence for Islamic Studies Australia (NCEIS)
Tickets are now on sale:
Children 7 – 15 years $25.00 and under 7 years are free
Ticket per head $50.00
Family ticket $200.00
Please contact the following EC members to book your tickets:
Zafar Ahmad 0438 929049 Iqbal Zahid 0411 108781
Suhail Jafri 0414 998867 Amadu Barrie 0402 196044
Azra Khan 0409 324693 Ishfaq Haider 0412 426453
Mansoor Ahmed 0402 780087 Mohammad Ahmad 0423 931242
Ali Akbar 0414 514779 Zainab Farouq 0435 344018