Sada-e-Watan Sydney ™

Another Successful Event By Sub Continent Friends of Labor

Chairperson Mr. Harish Velji and Chief Guest Hon Brendan O’Connor

More than 500 attended Sub Continent Friends of Labor Annual Dinner at the Blacktown Leisure Centre, Stanhope Sydney
(Coverage by: Syed Zafar Hussain and Mr. Rajesh Kumar)

Despite changing the location with only 36 hours to go for the annual Sub Continent Friends of Labor Dinner the annual function attracted 500 plus crowd. The chairperson of the Sub Continent Friends of Labor Harish Velji said the reason for change was to make sure that with that large numbers people attending that they are comfortable and able to move around easily. The place was heated and thankfully as it was a cold night. Meeting MP's is very important part of these events as many people want to have discussions and air their views and problems."

The day started with dances choreographed by Maxine Salma's Road 2 Bollywood and later by Nepali community.

Prior to the formal function the VIP Guest were introduced by the Co -MC for evening Guy Zangari.

They being Hon Brendan O’Connor MP, Hon John Robertson MP,

Matt Thistlethwaite, Hon Barbara Perry, Hon Michael Daley, Hon Mick Vietch, Sophie Cotsis, Dr Andrew Macdonald, Michelle Rowland, Laurie Ferguson , Chris Hayes, Julie Owens, Shaoquett Moselmane, Peter Primrose, Ed Husic and Greg Donnelly.

Also the members of the Sub Continent Friend of Labor Committee were introduced: Harish Velji, Ejaz Khan, Balraj Sangha, Prabajot Sangha, Moninder Singh, Amarinder Bajwa, Balaiji Venketaranghan, Jay Hosur, Pervaiz Khan, Suman Saha, Nur Rehman, Goba Gotwal, Bharat Pant, Mahendra Lamsal, Mansoor Noor, Bhupinder Chibber, Ganesh KC, Pharland KC, Bawa Jagdev, Aisha Amjad, Aruna Chandaral and Lucky Singh.

Whilst in welcome address Harish Velji pointed out the issues in relation to IELTS exams and on the need for relaxation of the criterion for some occupations on 457 visas which affect the subcontinent community.

Nothing the difference between the Labor and its opponents Harish Velji said "Under Labor you will get the National Disability Insurance Scheme, better education, continued support of the medical system, increase in the superannuation, sustained employment, reduction in carbon emission, state of art National Broadband scheme, massive growth in infrastructure, continued AAA rating, workers right remaining intact and the list is endless.

"Under the Liberals you will have to pay the high polluters $3billion to reduce their carbon emissions, delayed increase in your superannuation rise, help subsidise at the higher end in health insurance, have Workchoices under another name, pay $5000 for connecting to their archaic broadband scheme, create massive unemployment by contracting the economy and the list is endless.

He also reminded the audience of Dr Haneef Affair, the Children Overboard Affair, the Tampa and the Weapons of Mass Destruction as reason to invade Iraq.

The chief guest for the evening Minister for Immigration Hon Brendan O'Connor said "Temporary overseas workers, including those from the subcontinent, have been there to help deliver important projects in regions and sectors where there has been no suitably skilled local labour.

"And we will continue to rely on the skills of workers from around the world at different times, which is why we need to get our 457 visa system right.

"To ensure the 457 visa scheme is used the way it was intended and to ensure employers were living up to their obligations I announced reforms to the temporary skilled migration scheme announced in February."

"There are thousands of cases where employers aren’t doing the right thing, which in the past have gone undetected or have not been followed up as a result of our existing enforcement measures"

"We are serious about making sure employers do the right thing and increased enforcement will meant that breaches will be enforced.

We are not targeting overseas workers, but shonky businesses that seek to exploit them."

"Federal Government is making changes to the 457 visa system to make it fairer for all.

I have been getting a lot of feedback from the subcontinent community enquiring about the parent visa that allows parents of Australian citizens and permanent residents to come to Australia on a 3-5 year visa."

"There is much confusion regarding this and I would like to take this opportunity to clarify that this type of visa is available – just under a different name.

"Eligibility and entitlements relating to the initiative remain unchanged.

The Leader of Opposition in New South Wales John Robertson who was introduced by the Co MC for the evening Ed Husic said "Don’t be the friend of Labor, be the Voice of Labor."

For the auctions Mohammad Baraz from Nomadic Carpets provided the carpets, an autographed by Prime Minister a Cognac

and signed autographs of Proteas 2005/2006 tour donated by Mansoor Noor.

The raffles were donated by Mendhi Judani of Best & Less for an air ticket to subcontinent city, saree by Roopham Fashions of Liverpool and a gents watch by Lords Jewellers of Liverpool.

Ejaz Khan also noted in his vote of thanks that "As Harish has mentioned in his speech that our group works with many federal and state members and I would like to particularly thank to Hon Michelle Rowland for supporting , guiding and representing our group. I personally request all of you to do whatever possible to ensure that Michelle re elected to have effect representation.

The Sub Continent Friends of Labor group were invited by Ejaz Khan to present flowers to Harish Velji's to mark his birthday and also his leadership and vision.

It was near unanimous opinion that the function was huge success. Both members and non members of the Labor Party could have asked for any better.

Main VIP Table - Mr. Harish Velji, Mr. Jamie Clements, NSW Labor leader John Robertson, Syed Zafar Hussain & Minister for Immigration Brendan O'Connor MP

Mr. Mansoor Noor, Mr.Zain Sharif, Mr. Syed Zafar Hussain, Hon. Shaoquett Moselmane MLC, Mayor Bankstown Khal Asfour and Pervaiz Khan

Member for Macquarie Fields Dr Andrew Macdonald MP and Federal Member of Parliament Hon. Ed Husic

Minister for Immigration Hon Brendan O’Connor and Syed Zafar Hussain of Sada-e-Watan

 Chief Guest Hon Brendan O’Connor and Best Photographer of Sub Continent Community Mr. Rajesh Kumar

  Vice President Friends of Labor Mr. Ejaz Khan, Minister for Immigration Brendan O'Connor and Chairperson of Sub Continent Friends of Labor Mr. Harish Velji

Syed Talal, Dr Andrew Macdonald MP, Federal Member of Parliament Hon.Ed Husic and Pervaiz Khan

Chairperson Sub Continent Friends of Labor Mr.Harish Velji and Chief Guest Federal Minister of Immigration Hon Brendan O’Connor MP


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