Sada-e-Watan Sydney ™

Minister for Citizenship and Communities Hon.Victor Dominello MP attended a function hosted by the Immigrant and Refugee Women’s Network

The Network of Immigrant and Refugee Women of Australia Inc. (NIRWA) is an independent body that seeks to advocate for immigrant an gender equality for immigrant and refugee women living in Australia d refugee women at the national level by working to achieve cultural, social, economic, education and Immigrant and Refugee Women’s Network.

 Minister for Citizenship and Communities Victor Dominello attended a function hosted by the Immigrant and Refugee Women’s Network as part of Refugee Week 2013.

Under the "Restoring Hope” theme for Refugee Week, Mr Dominello spoke at the Fairfield Community Hall in south western Sydney on Monday, 17 June. Mr Dominello spoke about how Refugee Week reminds the NSW community of the contribution that refugees, and all people who choose to make Australia their home, make to the cultural vibrancy and economic success of our multicultural society.

Mr Dominello also launched the Immigrant Women’s Health Service Jewellery Enterprise during the event. Thirty women from the Middle East, South America and Africa took part in the Jewellery program, provided by Wetherill Park TAFE Outreach, which teaches women how to design, make and market Jewellery.

He said this initiative provides the opportunity for women of different multicultural backgrounds to become economically independent.

Mr Dominello, who was invited to speak at the event by Dr Eman Sharobeem, co-convenor of the Immigrant and Refugee Women’s Network, congratulated her for organising the event and for her commitment to assisting immigrant and refugee women.

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