Sada-e-Watan Sydney ™

AMU Alumni of Australia announce to Celebrate the 23rd Annual Sir Syed Day in Sydney on 31 Jan 2015

On behalf of AMU Alumni of Australia, we request you to attend our

SIR SYED DAY FUNCTION AND SOCIAL EVENT DINNER to promote the cause of education among the less privileged, needy and destitute of society among various communities.

 This function will be attended by the Alumni members, associates, friends, well wishers, sponsors, donors, special guests and distinguished public figures. Everyone is invited to attend and support the activities of the AMU Alumni of Australia.

AMU Alumni of Australia is running Scholarship Program for needy students from low socio economic background since 1996. More than 500 hundred graduates have benefited from this initiative. AMU Alumni are providing 310 Scholarships every year among students from Primary, Secondary and Universities in different disciplines. Every cent raised and collected goes to our Scholarship Program, with zero spending towards administrative cost.

Day and Date:       Saturday, 31 January 2015.

Time:                    7:30 pm

Venue: Granville Town Hall; 10 Carlton Street, Granville NSW 2142


Keynote Speaker: Professor Robin Chowdhury, University Of Wollongong

 Chief Guest:         Mr. Sunjay Sudhir, Consul General of India, Sydney

 CONTRIBUTION:   ADULT: $30.00; Children (7-12 Yrs): $15.00,

Family (2 Adults+2 Children): $80.00


 For further Information and Details please contact

          Aal-e-Ali                    Khursheed Anwar

President                   Secretary,          

                  AMU Alumni of Australia               AMU Alumni of Australia                       

   Phone: 0422 183 035                 Mobile: 0421 753 240          

Email:                  Email:



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