Sada-e-Watan Sydney ™
Werriwa Fundraiser for Hon. Laurie Ferguson MP
On the evening of Sunday 1st
September, 2013 a fundraising dinner for Laurie Ferguson MP was held at the
Minto Community Centre in Sydney. The function was hosted by Masood Chowdhury
with the support of Parvez Khan and other friends of Labor. Many members of the
local community were in attendance and the venue was at capacity. Proceedings
began with a welcome to country by Councillor Shahadat Chowdhury. After guests
were welcomed, the evening continued with a speech delivered by the member for
Macquarie Fields, Dr. Andrew McDonald MP. Dr. McDonald praised Laurie Ferguson
as a descent and ethical politician. The next speaker was Councillor Susai
Benjamin of Blacktown City Council. Clr. Benjamin said Laurie was very active in
the community. He thanked those in attendance including community members,
friends and family of Laurie Ferguson, local branch members and other supporters
of Laurie who helped to make the night a success. Clr Benjamin also told the
crowd to give their best efforts towards re-electing a Labor government, whether
that be through a financial contribution or volunteering on election day.
Proceedings then came to a break as dinner was served to the guests. A musical
number was performed by ‘Sadiya’ as guests took their dinner.
Proceedings were resumed after dinner by Dr. Andrew McDonald who called on the chief guest Lisa Singh to give the keynote address. Senator Singh, who is also the co-chair of Labor for an Australian Republic, stressed that Labor has traditionally been the party that has delivered in areas such as health, education and public services. She continued by stating that an Abbott government would cut funding to such areas. Community members in attendance were very appreciative of what Senator Singh had to say. The keynote address was concluded with a thanks towards the organisers whom Senator Lisa Singh said were of sub-continent heritage, much like herself. Senator Singh pointed to her Fijian Indian heritage and mentioned that her father was in attendance after just returning from Fiji.
Next, the raffle draw was conducted by host Masood Chowdhury. After this Hon. Laurie Ferguson MP gave the final speech of the night. Mr. Ferguson began by thanking the hosts of the function then spoke about his record of delivering for the people of Werriwa. He said the election would be a tough one but “Labor has a positive plan for the future.” The Federal Member for Werriwa concluded his speech by re-affirming why it is in everybody's best interests to re-elect a Labor government. Hon. Ferguson MP brang his speech to a close by telling the audience that he would continue to work hard for them as he has done since he first entered Parliament. Proceedings were concluded after host Masood Chowdhury performed a vote of thanks. Masood thanked very kindly those who had attended including members of Parliament, community leaders, families, volunteers, fellow organisers and the media.