Sada-e-Watan Sydney ™

                                                                    Hon.Chris Bowen       Governor Marie Bashir   Hon.Shaoquett Moselmane                                                                                                                                        

MULTICULTURAL MEDIA AT A CROSSROADS - A one day Conference on 25 Feb at the NSW Parliament House

The ethnic media play critical roles in Australia democracy: this conference explores these roles and the challenges the ethnic media face in the light of converging digital technologies,and a mainstream media that too often ignores the realities of our multicultural communities. Increasingly ethnic communities are helping the determine the outcome of elections. Key issues include racism, ageing populations, new generations of web savvy media consumers, global communities that communicate across the world, and the difficult borderland between mainstream and ethnic media. Yet the ethnic media sit now at a critical crossroads - what is their future and how will they survive?

Who should attend?

Ethnic and mainstream media journalists who need to know about changing audiences and new ways of communicating with them.
Government organisations and NGOs who need to understand the media in order to get their messages through to multicultural Australia.
Ethnic and Indigenous communities who want to see the survival of a viable community media.
Advertising communication and PR agencies who want to understand how the changing face of Australia offers opportunities and justifies attention.
Students in media and social sciences who want to understand the global world in the local space, and the challenges the media face in bringing messages to diverse communities.
Politicians and political advisers who need to know how the landscape of political preferences are shifting and what the role of ethnic media may be in helping shape them.


Multicultural Media Awards and Arts and Social Sciences/Cosmopolitan Civil Societies University of Technology Sydney.
Opened by Her Excellency Prof Marie Bashir, AC CVO Governor of NSW
Special Guest Lunchtime Speaker Hon Chris Bowen Minister for Tertiary Education

                                   Multicultural Media at a Crossroads

When and Where

Theatrette Parliament House Sydney
6 The Macquarie St Historic Precinct
Sydney, New South Wales Australia
Monday,25 February 2013 from 9:30 AM to 4:00 PM (EST)


Dear Readers of Sada-e-Watan,

 I would like to invite you to a one day conference titled Multicultural Media at A Cross Roads. This conference will be officially opened by her Excellency Professor Marie Bashir,Governor of New South Wales.

 It is a significant event highlighting the unrecognised work of Migrant Media and Ethnic Journalists as well as Indigenous media in Australia.

 It is the first of its kind and I was delighted to initiate jointly with the University of Technology Sydney.

 You will see that we have a broad range of speakers, presenters and chairs who will impart information that will be of great value to Politicians,Media practitioners, Students,Government and NGO's,Ethnic and Indigenous communities and a host of others.

Please register your attendance on the link below as seating is limited:


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