Sada-e-Watan Sydney ™

Muharram Majalis in Sydney and New Castle


Muharram 1438 – 2016 - Majalis in Urdu and English

We are pleased to advise that we will be having both English and Urdu lectures, Sheikh Imran will be presenting in English and Maulana Shoaib Naqvi will be presenting in Urdu.
Please download the calendar for the Muharram events by clinking here:

Please download the Yearly Hijri calendar for the year 1438 by clinking here:









Ashura Walk Sydney 2016
13th Annual Walk for Imam Hussain

Day: Ashura Wednesday 12/10/2016

Time: Congregation at 8am for a 9am start.

Start: Hyde Park (outside St James Station)
End: Botanic Gardens Sydney City

Buses will also be provided from various Community Centres around Sydney.



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