Sada-e-Watan Sydney ™

 Hon. Shaoquett Moselmane

University of Western Sydney Student Representative Elections

About this Item
Speaker - 
Moselmane The Hon Shaoquett 
Business - Business of the House

Motion by the Hon. SHAOQUETT MOSELMANE agreed to:

(1) That this House notes that:

(a) The UWS [University of Western Sydney] the Stand Up! team recently won the UWS student representative elections by a convincing margin with a total of 11 candidates from the team successful in achieving campus council positions at the Penrith, Parramatta, Bankstown and Campbelltown campuses of the University of Western Sydney;

(b) Stand Up! is led by Talal Shah, a delegate to the National Union of Students [NUS], Australia's peak student representative body, and holds an annual conference for delegates at La Trobe University in Victoria; and

(c) the 11 University of Western Sydney Stand Up! team members include:

Talal Shah, Greg Paltar, Kevin Korhonen, Matthew Wallis, Margaret Rutherford, Zohal Osoly, Abuzar Abdel, Nicole Smith, Lauren Darcy, Michael Robertson and Siobhan Armson-Graham.

(2) That this House notes the election of Talal Shah and congratulates all students on their election to the University of Western Sydney Student Representative Body.



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