Sydney ™
Petition ALP - Australia to recognise Palestine
Dear friends & Colleagues,
Please if you would collect as many signatures as possible and return to my office so as to send onto relevant people prior to the ALP’s National Conference which is scheduled for the end of July.
It would be appreciated if you could email and post the petition to my contact details below.
Kind Regards,
The Hon. Shaoquett Moselmane MLC
Opposition Whip
Parliament of New South Wales
Parliament House
Macquarie St, Sydney NSW 2000 Australia
Ph: 02 9230 2526 || Fx: 02 9230 2722
Australia to recognise Palestine
We the undersigned Australian community leaders and heads of organisations in NSW note that the Palestinian People have suffered for the past 68 years of occupation. It is time the international community including the Australian Government and the Australian Labor party, while in Government or in opposition, to oppose the continued spread of Israeli settlements that are a grab for land and designed to block the establishment of a Palestinian state. Furthermore, in view of the refusal of Netanyahu and the Israeli government to agree to a two state solution, Australia should now join the majority of the world’s nations in recognising the state of Palestine. The reality is that a majority of the Israeli cabinet is now opposed to a Palestinian state. There is no alternative to Australia but to unilaterally recognise the state of Palestine. We therefore petition the Federal Parliamentary Labor Leader the Hon Bill Shorten and Deputy Leader, Shadow Minister for Foreign Affairs the Hon Tanya Plibersek, the FPLP and the National ALP Secretariat to immediately recognise the state of Palestine.
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