Sada-e-Watan Sydney ™


"To fold the hands in prayer is good, to open them in charity is better" ~ French Proverb


The Holy Month of Ramadan is meant to be a charitable one, a time for soul searching, sacrifice and service. As Muslims break their fast, it is a time to reflect on those who are less fortunate and be grateful for all that we are blessed with.

Please join the Hon. Tanya Plibersek- Deputy Leader of the Opposition and Shadow Minister for Foreign Affairs, and the Hon. Michelle Rowland MP- Shadow Minister for Citizenship and Multiculturalism, for a very special Iftar for Women. This is the very first time an event like this has been held, but it is for a great cause.

The money raised will go towards purchasing Eid Gifts for Women and Children in need. Most of these women are in the MWA Australia- Muslim Women's Association Refuge, and will be marking Ramadan and Eid in very difficult circumstances, as most of them are victims of family violence. The Iftar although for women only, is not just for Muslim women... it would be great to see solidarity from women of all backgrounds. I read a quote today which best sums up the sentiment of the event: "God has not called us to see through each other, but to see each other through."

Let's all come together and help make this Eid a special one for these women and children who deserve some happiness and love. Please share amongst your family and friends. Thank you and hope to see you all there.



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