Sydney ™
Hon. Julia Gillard Meets Ethnic Media at Kirribilli House after her Successful
China Trip
(Coverage by: Syed
Zafar Hussain, Editor-in-Chief Sada-e-Watan Sydney)
PM. Hon.Julia Gillard, Mr. Harish Velji and Deputy Prime Minister and Treasurer Hon. Wayne Swan
The Prime Minister of Australia is the highest minister of the Crown, leader of the Cabinet and head of the Government. Hon.Julia Gillard is the current Prime Minister, leader of the Australian Labor Party, and the first female Prime Minister of Australia.
“Kirribilli House” is the official Sydney residence of the Australian Prime Minister. The house is located at the far eastern end of Kirribilli Avenue in the Harbourside suburb of Kirribilli. It is one of two official Prime Ministerial residences, the other being the Lodge, in Canberra.
The Prime Minister of Australia of Australia , Hon Julia Gillard, looking fresh after her tour to China hosted a private function at Kirribilli House with the ethnic media.
With her were Deputy Prime Minister and Treasurer Wayne Swan, Minister for Immigration and Citizenship Brendan O'Connor, Minister for Education Hon Peter Garret, Minister for Families and Community Services Hon Jenny Macklin, Minister for Multicultural Affairs Senator Kate Lundy ,Chairperson of the Sub Continent Ministerial Consultative Committee Michelle Rowland and Member for Parramatta Julie Owens.
Each member of the press that was present were free to move around and talk to the parliamentary team and raise any issues they wished directly with them.
During the welcome speech Prime Minister Hon Julia Gillard talked about her trip to China and also mentioned that this came after her major trip to India. She noted the presence of some people who toured with her to India notably Harish Velji, Navneet Anand and Sanjay Patel.
The whole function went very
smoothly and members of the ethnic press gallery present were stunned with the
openness at the each of those elected parliamentarians and how comfortable they
made each and every one present.
Arti Banga from who attended the media function said "I found her as a
bubbly person who is very calm and approachable."
Syed Zafar Hussain and The Prime Minister of
Australia Hon Julia Gillard
The Prime Minister of Australia Hon Julia Gillard and Federal Member for Parramatta Julie Owens
Mr. Harish Velji and The Prime Minister of Australia Hon. Julia Gillard
Great Photographer of Australia Mr. Rajesh Kumar and The Prime Minister of Australia Hon. Julia Gillard
Syed Zafar Hussain and The Prime Minister of Australia Hon. Julia Gillard