Sada-e-Watan Sydney ™


The Honourable Victor Dominello MP Minister for Citizenship and Communities

More than 900 Dignitaries attended Annual Premier’s Harmony Dinner at Rosehill Gardens Sydney
(Coverage by: Syed Zafar Hussain and Warren Duncan)

3rd Annual Premier’s Harmony Dinner was held on Thursday 10 April 2014 at Grand Pavilion, Rosehill Gardens Sydney. The Honourable Victor Dominello MP Minister for Citizenship and Communities was host of the evening. More than 900 guests including Federal and State Ministers, Senators, Journalists, High Ranked Civil, Army, Police officers, Prominent Politicians, Mayors and Diplomats attended the dinner.

Vince Sorrenti

Mr.Vince Sorrenti was MC. The evening was made possible by the support of our sponsors and we sincerely thank B1 Group and Commonwealth Bank of Australia. The Harmony Dinner is a fantastic finale to Multicultural March, our state’s festival of Multiculturalism that has blossomed across NSW and Sada-e-Watan Congratulates NSW Govt for this achievement.

The Prime Minister Tony Abbot and NSW (former) Premier Barry O’Farrell and spoke early in the evening by videoconference from China. They both acknowledged Australia as a successfully multicultural nation. The Honourable Victor Dominello MP Minister for Citizenship and Communities personally greet all guests and talk with them friendly.

During the function Six citizens have been honoured for their exemplary service to multicultural communities in NSW. The winners of the Premier’s Multicultural Community Medals received their awards in front of over 900 guests at Rosehill Racecourse attending the gala evening, including Federal Communications Minister Malcolm Turnbull. NSW Minister for Citizenship and Communities Victor Dominello described the recipients as “Champions of Multiculturalism”.

“These awards celebrate the remarkable stories and achievements of these six individuals who have served their communities with honour and enriched our state’s cultural diversity.

“NSW is truly one of the most multicultural societies in the world, with 200 different languages spoken at home and over a quarter of our citizens born overseas.

“Ultimately what unites our culturally diverse communities is a sense of mutual respect and belonging through our shared Australian identity,” Mr. Dominello said.

“The inductees are all true pioneers and leaders among our different migrant communities. We recognise them tonight for their dedication to promoting harmony and unity in our community.

“In a short period the Premier’s Harmony Dinner has won its place on Destination NSW’s calendar of significant events. With attendance growing by over 200 this year – this celebration is set to flourish for many years to come,” Mr. Dominello said.

Minister for Citizenship and Communities Victor Dominello endorsed NSW Government concerns about proposed changes to federal racial discrimination laws and said he had been asked to lead the NSW Government’s response.

Speaking at the Premier’s Harmony Dinner, Mr. Dominello said he had been asked to prepare the NSW Government’s response to the Exposure Draft on the Freedom of Speech (Repeal of s.18C) Bill 2014 and to lead the NSW Government’s submission to the Federal Attorney General. Mr. Dominello said
“My preliminary view on the draft Federal Bill is that it needs to do more to protect the vulnerable in our community from being vilified on the grounds of race.

“As I have said publicly, the definition of vilify should include ‘serious contempt’ and ‘severe ridicule’.
“Further, the requirement for acts to be done reasonably and in good faith, elements of the existing section 18D defences, should be retained.

“The details of the NSW Government’s response will be made public following the close of submissions on Wednesday 30 April,” Mr Dominello said.

Vic Alhadeff, Chair CRC NSW

Chair of the Community Relations Commission Vic Alhadeff said the Premier’s Harmony Dinner, Now in its third year, was an evening of colourful celebration, bringing people together from across different cultures, faiths and linguistic backgrounds.

“We should be immensely proud to live in a cohesive and respectful society which has welcomed so many people from all over the world,” Mr Alhadeff said.
In 2012 a Multicultural Honour Board was inaugurated to posthumously record the names and achievements of significant immigrant pioneers.

Federal Minister of Communications The Hon. Malcolm Turnbell MP, Congratulates New South Wales Government for hosting 2014 Premier's Harmony Dinner and said people of this state are Model for other parts of World because here everyone living peacefully and respect each other, culture, values and religious.

CEO of Deerubbin Local Aboriginal Land Council Mr. Kevin Cavanagh Acknowledgement to the Country and thanks for development Plans.

Muhammad Asif, Syed Zafar Hussain, Minister Victor Dominello and CG Pakistan Abdul Aziz Uquali

Chair of Community Relation Commission of NSW Vic Alhadeff and Media Advisor Warren Duncan

Chief Editor Sada-e-Watan Syed Zafar Hussain, Lord Mayor of Parramatta John Chedid and Consul General Pakistan Abdul Aziz

Mr. Matt Dawson and Ms Jane Standish

Mr. Zahid Jamil of SAMAA and Federal Minister of Communications The Hon. Malcolm Turnbull MP

2 Former Chairman of Ethnic Commission,1 who served 9 years in Victoria and 2 Dr. Stepan who was Chair in NSW for 24 years

 Consul General of Pakistan Abdul Aziz, Kumud Merani of SBS Hindi Service and Content Manager of SBS Mark Cummins


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