Sada-e-Watan Sydney ™

 Stepan Kerkyasharian speaking at the Premier function, Premier is smiling

Premier of New South Wales Honourable Barry O’Farrell hosted a Reception in honour of Dr. Stepan Kerkyasharian

The Premier of New South Wales Honourable Barry O’Farrell MP hosted a farewell reception for the Chairman of the Community Relations Commission Dr. Stepan Kerkyasharian. The function was took place at the NSW Parliament House Sydney. The Premier Hon. Barry O’Farrell invited Former Premier, Former Ministers, Present Minister of Citizenship & Communities Hon. Victor Dominello, past and present CRC Commissioners and other dignitaries. The Premier of New South Wales Honourable Barry O’Farrell said he is truly proud of Kerkyasharian and Community Relations Commission (CRC). Dr. Stepan Kerkyasharian has served with seven state premiers of Labor & Liberal and numerous Ministers over the years, he always been to promote community harmony through difficult times.

Minister Victor, Dr. Stepan, Former Premier Nick Greiner, Former Minister Michael Photios and Premier Hon. Barry O’Farrell

The Premier of New South Wales Honourable Barry O’Farrell speak as a host and in his speech he payed tribute to the successes of Dr. Stepan Kerkyasharian. Premier Hon. Barry O’Farrell appreciates Great Achievements of Stepan Kerkyasharian and said that in the history of Australia, Dr. Stepan’s unique positive role for promoting Multiculturalism will be always remember on the Public & Government Level.

Premier of NSW Honourable Barry O’Farrell said I wish him well in his retirement after dedicated 34 years of service with Commonwealth and the State of New South Wales. Mr. Warren Duncan of CRC captured highlights of Premier Hon. Barry O’Farrell's function and before departing to India, he Kindly sent Exclusive Photos to Sada-e-Watan.

Dr. Stepan Kerkyasharian speaking at the Premier's Reception at Parliament House

CRC Chair Dr. Stepan Kerkyasharian and Premier of NSW

Stepan Kerkyasharian and Former Premier of New South Wales Mr. Nick Greiner

Chief Guest Dr. Stepan Kerkyasharian, Former Premier of New South Wales Nick Greiner and host Honourable Barry O’Farrell

The Premier of New South Wales Honourable Barry O’Farrell MP talking to Stepan Kerkyasharian wife Mrs. Hilda

Minister Victor, Deputy & Chair of CRC and Commissioners of Community Relations Commission with Premier Hon. Barry O’Farrell


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