Sada-e-Watan Sydney ™
Ramadan Greeting Messages of the Dignitaries
Honourable Mike Baird MP
Minister for Multiculturalism
Message for Ramadan 2015
(Sada-e-Watan Sydney)
It is my great pleasure as Minister for Multiculturalism to greet members of the Islamic faith as they enter the holy month of Ramadan.
Ramadan is not only a month of sacrifice - it is also about spiritual renewal, social responsibility, thoughtful reflection and good deeds. Its focus on helping people who are less fortunate resonates with all Australians.
With more than 200,000 people of the Islamic faith in NSW, our residents reflect the diversity of Muslims across the world.
Whether from the Middle East, Europe, Africa, India, China or Southeast Asia, Australian Muslims have contributed greatly to our society through volunteering and advocacy for community harmony.
I am proud that in NSW cultural and religious diversity is a unifying feature of our society, and I wish everyone of the Islamic faith peace and harmony throughout Ramadan and beyond.
Ramadan Mubarak.
John Ajaka MLC
Minister for Multiculturalism
On behalf of the Federal Labor Party we extend our best wishes to everyone observing the holy month of Ramadan.
As the crescent moon marks the beginning of this most sacred time in the Islamic calendar, Muslims right around the world will gather to commemorate the revelation of the Holy Koran to the Prophet Muhammad.
For the Muslim community in Australia, this period marks a time of quiet reflection and devotion through prayer and fasting and a chance to reaffirm the commitment to lead lives of integrity, compassion and commitment to family.
The Koran tells us: “Narrate to them the stories so that upon them they may reflect”
Our shared Australian story, of modern multicultural life, is a story for us all to celebrate.
We are drawn from every flag and every faith on earth and we are a stronger and better nation because we are forged from the best of every culture and tradition.
Ramadan reminds us that Islam is a proud and enriching part of the fabric of our nation and we wish the Muslim community a month blessed with the joys of peace, prosperity and purity.
Ramadan Kareem.
Mr Zafar Hussain Shah,
Editor in Chief
Wishing you & our Australian Muslim Community - Ramadan Mubarak.
The Blessed month of Ramadan is upon us again.
Ramadan is a time of year where Australia’s Islamic community & Muslims around the world not only abstain from eating & drinking but importantly observe spirituality, humility and patience.
Ramadan is a time to cleanse the soul and give more to charity.
I take this opportunity to wish for peace and prosperity for all Muslims and all people around the world and hope that Ramadan will bring peace and harmony to all.
Ramadan Kareem
The Hon. Shaoquett Moselmane MLC.
Opposition Whip
Parliament of New South Wales
Parliament House
Macquarie St, Sydney NSW 2000 Australia
( 02 9230 2526 || � 02 9230 2722
For Sada-e-Watan Ramadan Message of Dr Mehreen Faruqi, MLC NSW
Greens NSW ki taraf say aap sub ko ‘Ramadan Mubarak.’ I hope you all enjoy a month of celebration, peaceful reflection and blessings with friends, family and love ones.
Warmest wishes.
Dr Mehreen Faruqi, Green NSW MP’
Hafez Kassem
Message from Muslims Australia AFIC President Hafez Kassem
I am honoured and privileged to send this message of Ramadan to Sada-e-Watan Sydney for most important and auspicious month of the Islamic calendar. Ramadan is an incomparable blessing from Allah in so many ways. During this holy month, fasting, prayer, charity, and in fact all good deeds ordered by our Creator are rewarded manyfold when compared to other days and months of the year. Ramadan is a time of assessment of our spiritual health and is like spring when everything comes to life, dry grass and trees start to thrive and flowers bloom after a cold winter.
Ramadan is a time when we are urged to practise our humanity towards Allah’s creatures, to recognise and practise the goodness that Allah has created within us as human beings, showing sympathy for the plight of those who may be suffering or in need and in fact placing ourselves in the position of others less fortunate, to experience their plight. It is a time to reflect on the direction of our lives and our priorities and on the relationship with family, friends, neighbours and indeed humanity in general. Let us also not lose the opportunity to strengthen our relationship with our Creator.
We are reminded of the Last Sermon of our Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) on the Plains of Arafat when he spoke about the upcoming month of Ramadan. We should carefully read and ponder over this message of the Prophet before every Ramadan to prepare ourselves mentally and physically for the sacred month. He (peace be upon him) said:
“Oh people! A great month is coming to you, a blessed month and a month in which there is one night that is better than a thousand months. A month in which Allah has made it compulsory upon you to fast by day, and voluntary to pray by night. Whoever draws nearer to Allah by performing any of the voluntary good deeds in this month shall receive the same reward as is for performing an obligatory deed at any other time. And whoever discharges an obligatory deed in this month shall receive the reward of performing seventy obligations at any other time. It is the month of Sabr (patience), and the reward for sabr is Heaven. It is the month of kindness and charity. It is a month in which a believer's sustenance is increased. Whoever gives food to a fasting person to break his fast, shall have his sins forgiven, and he will be saved from the Fire of Hell, and he shall have the same reward as the fasting person, without the latter's reward being diminished at all.”
So, my sisters, brothers, Muslims and friends, let us take the golden opportunity to reap the rewards that Allah swt has promised for those who patiently persevere in His Obedience and His Pleasure.
On behalf of my Executive Committee members and staff of Muslims Australia AFIC, I wish you all a blessed, joyous and inspirational Ramadan. May Allah swt accept our fasting, prayer and good deeds and actions during the holy month! Ameen.
I also wish all your readers and all Australians a Happy Eid ul Fitr to mark the completion of a blessed and glorious Ramadan.
Ramadan Kareem
Kul Aam wa antum be Khair
Happy Ramadan and Eid Al Fitr Mubarak
Hafez Kassem
Muslims Australia (AFIC)
Greeting for Month of Ramadan