Sada-e-Watan Sydney ™

Please Help for Sardar Rathore's Urgent Brain Aneurysm Surgery

Sub Continent Communities of Australia are collecting fundraising for Dr Sardar Rathore who is fighting for his life and needs money for treatment. Dow Association of Australia is collecting donations and APMA has joined as well. So far has raised 7000 dollars. They would appreciate if message could spread the world through Sada e Watan so they can collect more in less time. All collection will transfer next week and preferable transfer to APMA account or directly into Pakistani account. All Donors should mention "Sardar" in the reference, thank you.

Sardar Rathore, 39, married with 2 year old daughter, an anaesthesiologist at Civil Hospital Karachi, Pakistan, was diagnosed with a Giant Vertebro-Basilar Junction Aneurysm in August 2015. Sardar's condition is currently life threatening and needs an urgent surgical procedure to give him another chance at life!
Sardar needs YOUR help for a rare procedure only available in USA at the UCSF Medical Center San Francisco, CA.

OUR GOAL: $ 250,000
Money Collected: $ 11,533
Every penny counts!! Keep donating and sharing! #SaveSardar #SaveAlife

For donations:

Account Title: Nirmla Rathore Bank: United Bank Limited
IBAN: PK62UNIL0109000232802874

Facebook page :

Also deposit into APMA account as follows

Australia Pakistan Medical Association NSW
Commonwealth Bank of Australia
BSB:062 000
Account No: 1420 4932


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