Sydney ™
*****AMU Alumni of Australia Announce*****
To Celebrate the 24th Annual Sir Syed Day
On behalf of AMU Alumni of
Australia, We announce and notify the Alumni members, Associates, Friends,
well-wishers, Sponsors, Donors, Special guests and Distinguished Public Figures
for Sir Syed Day celebration to be held on
Saturday, 30th
January 2016 – 7:30pm
Venue: Strathfield Town Hall, 65 Homebush Road,
Strathfield Sydney
Please Note This Important
Date and Time in Your Personal Diary/Calendar, The detail of the program will
let know you soon
We request you to attend our SIR SYED DAY FUNCTION AND
SOCIAL EVENT DINNER to promote the cause of education among the less
privileged, needy and penniless of society among different communities.
Everyone is invited to attend and support the activities of the AMU Alumni of
Khursheed Anwar
AMU Alumni of Australia
0421 753 240
Home: 02-9759 3390