Sada-e-Watan Sydney ™



The wedding of Tuba Allahwala, daughter of Mr. & Mrs.Khalil Allahwala with Rizwan Nagrial, son of Dr. and Mrs. Mahmood Nagrial took place on September 18, 2011.The memorable reception was held at the elegant and luxurious Le Montage function centre in Sydney.


Maulana Nazeer-ul-Hasan Thanvi recited the Nikah and dua for the lovely new couple.Following the Nikah Mr. & Mrs. Allahwala addressed the guests. They welcomed the Groom Rizwan, his parents, their immediate family members, ‘Baraties’ and other guests, thanking them for being present for this joyous and auspicious occasion. 


The reception was attended by more than 350 family members and friends.A delicious Pakistani cuisine was prepared by Himalaya catering and Pakistani desert was provided by Billu Sweets.


The Editorial Board of Sada-e-Watan Sydney would like to congratulate Tuba and Rizwan on their wedding and wish them all the best for the future.
















































































































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