Sada-e-Watan Sydney ™



Dear All,
Assalam-o-Alaikum, I hope and pray that this epistle finds you in the best of everything.

The High Commission will be hosting Pakistan Day Reception on 23rd March 2016. On this auspicious occasion, it is our pleasure to invite Pakistani community in Australia. The reception will be held at Albert Hall, 100 Commonwealth Avenue, Yarralumla, Canberra ACT from 1730hrs - 1900hrs.

RSVP by 15th March will be greatly appreciated, for which contact details are as follows:-

Tele: 02 62874234 - Email:

Widest possible dissemination to Pakistanis is requested.

Let’s join to celebrate 23rd March together.

Sincere regards,
Mirza Salman Babar Baig
Deputy High Commissioner


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