Sada-e-Watan Sydney ™

H.E. Peter Heyward

His Excellency Peter Heyward High Commissioner to Pakistan was keynote speaker of Pak Australia Business Annual Gala Dinner held at Spice of Life Function Centre Sydney NSW

The Pakistan Australia Business Council held a dinner on the 12th of October 2013 at Spice of Life Restaurant in Harris Park.  The event was attended by numerous Pakistani businessmen and from around Australia including State and Federal Members and Pakistani Consulate associates. The Pakistan Australia Business Council takes pride in the fact that they have not only paved a link but have created a relationship between the Pakistani diaspora in Sydney and Australian High Commission in Islamabad in terms of meeting and communication.

Mr. Graeme Barty of Austrade

The executive team of the PABC thought there was one more befitting than his Excellency Peter Heyward the current High Commissioner to Pakistan to be a keynote speaker and Chief Guest for its new tradition of an ANNUAL GALA DINNER – titled: Pakistan the untapped opportunity on October 12 at Spice of Life Function Centre sponsored by Australian Trade Commission (Austrade). This is the first time a Federal Government Agency has sponsored an event of a Pakistani Business Council or any Association. Over 100 people attended this event with formal components then later on being able to meet the High Commissioner one on one. The dinner was also held in conjunction with Pakistan Australia Council (PAC) the umbrella organisation formed for all Pakistan related associations Australia wide.

   Dr. Tahir Iqbal                                                                  Mr. Ashraf Chohan

Mr Ashraf Ali Chohan Information Secretary PABC commenced the evening with by calling on an Islamic scholar for the Quran recitation for blessings.

Sadaqat Siddiq

Mr Chohan then requestedforMr Sadaqat Siddiq General Secretary to give Annual Update.Mr Sadaqat Siddiq welcomed guests on behalf of PABC & PAC which is led by Dr. Shahbaz Chaudhary.  Mr. Siddiq explained during the update how it was 6 years ago when both Mr. Iftikhar Rana and himself who were discussing the need of providing a platform to encourage business cultural and trade relations between the both countries. Hence the first step was taken in 2007 when Mr. Rana established the PABC as a non-profit organisation.

PABC current updates include:

-          The Board of Investments recognises PABC is the only active trade business council in Australia.

-          PABC being very active in both Pakistan and Australia

-          Sadaqat Siddiq and Kashif Amjad held a dinner in Pakistan at Royal Palm Lahore

-          Developing relations and links with people like Nicola Watson, Minister in charge of subcontinent and Azhar Shah Head of Austrade of Pakistan

-          Delegation team was sent to Pakistan led by PABC for Australian businessmen

-          Expo 2013 provided Iftikhar Rana and Kashif Amjad to develop relationships and links with other traders to improve trade opportunities between both countries

 Mr. Sadaqat Siddiq mentioned that PABC is equipped with a talented team as they have proven in a record establishing time and running a successful business. Furthermore he encouraged the business community to contact PABC for any trade related matters through the website or come in and see them in person at the PABC main office in Martin Place or Parramatta.


Mr. Kashif Amjad

Mr. Sadaqat then invited Kashif Amjad to commence the proceedings for the rest of the night.

Mr.Kashif Amjad Senior Vice President, the Master of Ceremonies then introduced personally the PABC Executive Team, Patrons and key guests which included:


Mr Abdul Aziz Uqaili Consul General Sydney, Government of Pakistan

The Hon Ed Husic MP – Federal Member for Chifley and Federal Labour Patron PABC.

The Hon Amando Fazio MLC - Chief Opposition Whip and State Labour Patron PABC

The Hon Shaoquett Moselmane MLC - State Labour Patron PABC

Mr Grame Barty – General Manager Emerging Markets, Austrade

Dr Shahbaz Chaudhary – President Pakistan Australia Council (flew from Melbourne especially)

Dr Maqsood Hasan – President Pakistan Australia Business Council Queensland (who came from

Mr ShifatKalim Consul General Sydney, Government of Pakistan

Mr Balakh Sher Khosa – Counsellor Welfare, Government of Pakistan

Mr Shahid Hafiz – President Pakistan Association of Australia

Dr Sayeed Khan – President Australia Pakistan Medical Association

Syed Zafar Hussain Shah – Editor in Chief Sada-e-Watan

Mr Muhammad Asif – Managing Editor – Pak Link Magazine

Rehan Alavi – SBS Urdu

Mr Javed Chaudhary – Awaaz Media Group

Mr Julian Leeser – Director Government Affairs Australian Catholic University

Consul General Mr Abdul Aziz Uqaili

Mr Abdul Aziz Uqaili spoke first on trade between Australia and Pakistan, recent importation of mangoes and now looking into other fruits. He also spoke on the recent trip to EXPO Pakistan 2013 within his first 6 months and his plans for next few years.

Dr. Shahbaz Chaudhary of Melbourne

Next speech was by Dr Shahbaz Chaudhary spoke of the 2 year old peak umbrella body called Pakistan Australia Council of all Associations Australia wide.

                                                                                Mr.Iftikhar Rana,President PABC

President Iftikhar Rana gave his address on various community issues and his meetings with TDAP during Expo 2013. Mr. Rana requested Mr. Heyward to please look into Visa for Australia in Pakistan, especially in regards to spouses both girls and boys who are waiting for their respected partners as many difficulties are arising due to the current situation in Pakistan. During his speech Mr. Rana acknowledged the efforts of Mr.Azam Mohammed Executive Director General Ministry of Commerce and His Excellency Abdul Malik Abdullah High Commissioner of Australia Canberra who showed great hospitality and support during the Expo 2013.

Also the special efforts of Mr.Uqaili, Consul General were appreciated as his efforts finally facilitated to get market access for Pakistani mangoes in Australia.

                                                                                    Mr.Grame Barty of Austrade

Grame Barty GM Emerging Markets Austrade and main evening sponsor spoke on the taste of mangoes he sampled and the opportunities particular in the fields of IT where he has expertise and learning.

Kashif Amjad Senior Vice President had a minutes silence talking about the bomb blast victims in Peshawar of non-Muslim background and talked about recent PABC activities (see below for more details).

Foreign Minister Julie Bishop

Kashif Amjad passed on the message from the new Foreign Affairs Minister The Hon Julie Bishop MP saying she requested him to say:

Australia’s bilateral relationship with Pakistan is very strong and we cooperate closely on a number of issues including foreign policy and security. Our trade relationship is developing, but there is potential for deeper engagement and we are seeking opportunities to further develop our economic links.

H.E. Peter Heyward

His Excellency Peter Heyward spoke at length on various items, particularly on trade, visa and future opportunities and took a Q and A session as well.

Just before dinner flowers were presented to Susan Heyward and a certificate to His Excellency Peter Heyward for his effort in helping and linking the Pakistani community and Dr Shahbaz Chaudhary for mobilising the community all around Australia by the Mr. Iftikhar Rana the President of PABC and his executive team.  

                                                His Excellency Peter Heyward Receiving certificate of appreciationJust before dinner flowers were presented to Susan Heyward and a certificate to His Excellency Peter Heyward for his effort in helping and linking the Pakistani community and Dr Shahbaz Chaudhary for mobilising the community all around Australia by the Mr. Iftikhar Rana the President of PABC and his executive team.  

Dr Shahbaz Chaudhary Receiving certificate of appreciation

Dr Shahbaz Chaudhary for mobilising the community all around Australia by the Mr. Iftikhar Rana the President of PABC and his executive team.

The Hon. Shaoquett Moselmane presented the Multicultural Media Awards Hall of Fame 2013 to Syed Zafar Hussain Shah as he was in Pakistan when function was held in September 2013 at the Parliament House.Kashif Amjad and Ifikhar Rana were present at the awards, the award recognises his 20 years of diligent efforts and only two people in whole of Australia ever got this award.

Hon. Ed Husic, Federal MP

The Hon. Ed Husic MP, Member for Chifley spoke finally before a sumptuous dinner was served by Alan Khan proprietor of Spice of Life.

Networking and photos were aplenty after the main course was served.

PABC Executive team and Patrons would like to make special thanks to Peter and Susan Heyward who came on their personal time to the dinner, secondly AUSTRADE for their generous support and secondly Dr Shahbaz from Melbourne and Dr Maqsood from Gold Coast who flew in especially for the occasion as well as all those that came.


The Pakistan Australia Business Council was formally reinvigorated last year and since then has continued to make a lot of progress with the backing of the Pakistan and Australian Governments. It is unparalleled in its structure with a national footprint from day one with state presidents in Western Australia, Victoria and Queensland. It also has a Council of Topic Governors who has expertise in areas from our executive team to cover areas like Shipping/Trading/Logistics, Medical/Health, Education, Investments-Joint Ventures, Banking, IT/Telecoms. We are looking for more and more experts particularly in the area of Agriculture and Resources/Utilities.

We have accreditations from :

1.       Department of Fair Trading as a registered not for profit organisation.

2.       Board of Investment Pakistan as a registered Business Council for Australia

3.       Working relationship Consulate and Embassy of Pakistan on Trade related matters

4.       Trade Development Authority of Pakistan recognises PABC

5.       Working relationship with High Commission of Australia to Pakistan on Trade related matters.

6.       Recognition as the only performing Business Council from AUSTRADE

7.       Recognition in Federal Parliament

 Our Patrons are our pathway to Parliament who champion our cause, one from each major Party and one from Federal and State. More on our Patrons are on

Highlights for 2012/2013:

1.       Welcome dinner at NSW Parliament House for His Excellency Peter Heyward High Commissioner to Pakistan in June 2012, as well as a formal acknowledgement

2.       Quran Handover at Launch event in Eid ul Fitr2012 :A Quran was presented by the PABC to Patron Shaoquett Moselmane MLC in gratitude for his philanthropic work to Pakistan during the floods of 2010. It was then presented to the NSW Legislative Council President formally in March 2013. It is the first time in history a Quran was formally presented to the President of any house of Parliament in a non-Islamic country. This was a cultural initiative of the Pakistan Australia Business Council. By co-incidence under the greatness of God the next MLC to be appointed happened to be a Muslim Pakistani lady from the Greens.

3.       A reception luncheon was held at one of the most prestigious dining venues in Lahore, at Royal Palm Chameleon Room in Lahore for Austrade Minister for South Asia with Senior Vice President and Sadaqat Siddiq , as well as Paul Molloy Deputy High Commissioner for recognition of his efforts in achieving his Order of Australia Medal for his charitable work in the Japanese Earthquake crisis in April 2013.

4.       PABC Senior Vice President Kashif Amjad had honour of being chosen to be judge at first multi-cultural media awards.

5.       Dinner for Mr Azhar Shah Country manager AUSTRADE in Pakistan in May 2013 with Patrons and Executive of the Council.

6.       An Iftar during Ramadan 2013 with the High Commissioner Abdul Malik Abdullah as key speaker.

1.       The Federal Opposition Patron and Senior Vice President met with the Shadow Minister for Foreign Affairs at the time, Julie Bishop MP who continues her support for the via letters and quotes for our events.

2.       A national Chief Patron was appointed, Ms Zorica McCarthy retired High Commissioner (currently in Pakistan) in 2013 after more than 12 months search.

3.       A Memorandum of Understanding signed with our sister organisation in Pakistan, The Pakistan Australia Business Forum ( in September 2013 during Expo. This is the first of its kinds and binds the two most powerful Chambers of Commerce of Pak-Australia trade relations.

4.       Attendance of Expo Pakistan in 2013 in conjunction with the Consulate General of Pakistan with delegates and assistance of deals and meetings with TDAP and large corporate concerns and personally taking delegates onwards from Karachi to Lahore and Sialkot for further exploratory and detailed meetings for trade facilitation.

5.       Welcome to Sydney luncheon at residence of Senior Vice President Kashif Amjad for the new Pakistan Consul General attended by longest sitting Parliamentarian Philip Ruddock MP Member for Berowra.

6.       Dinner for former Consul General Azam Muhammad at residence of President Iftikhar Rana, celebrating his role.

Editor-in-Chief Sada-e-Watan Syed Zafar Hussain, High Commissioner Peter Heyward and President of PABC Mr. Iftikhar Rana


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